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Nick Vujicic Nick Vujicic Is me! Nick Vujicic Nick Vujicic.

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Presentation on theme: "Nick Vujicic Nick Vujicic Is me! Nick Vujicic Nick Vujicic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nick Vujicic Nick Vujicic Is me! Nick Vujicic Nick Vujicic

2 I had to face many difficulties and obstacles.
NO ARM, NO LEGS, NO Much To Worry Live without members!!! I was born without members, only a small foot left-hand side. The doctors do not know where from comes this "born handicap“ I had to face many difficulties and obstacles. My parents were Christian and my father was a pastor of our church, they knew bible verses perfectly. Nevertheless in this December 4th, 1982, Melbourne, Australia, , Their son had been born without members! They would not have been ready for this test. The whole church cried after my birth and my parents were annihilated by the sorrow. . Everybody asked: : ”if God is a God of love, why let something so atrocious comes not only people but at committed Christians”

3 I have a brother and a sister who were born as other normal children.
My father thought that I would not survive for a long time but the medical examinations showed that I was healthy, just missing some members My parents were very worried, wondering what would be my future Thus I grew at Brisbane, Australia. I was the eldest son of migrated Serbian I have a brother and a sister who were born as other normal children. And as all the children says "normal" I discovered ways to enjoy myself.

4 Soon they will realize that am like them.
I sometimes used my chin to manipulate objects as this shovel with sand. And soon I was of age to go to the school. But the Australian law of that period did not allow me to be integrated into a common school because of my physical handicap My mother fought till the law was changed. I was one of first physically handicapped persons to be integrated into a common school. . I liked going to the school and I tried to be as everybody but, during these first years of school, I had to face the difficult moments, when I felt rejected, strange and a scapegoat because of my physical difference. It was very difficult for me to accustom to it, but with the support of my parents, I began to develop attitudes and values which helped me to overcome these moments. I knew that I was different outside but, inside, I was as everybody There were moments when I felt unfortunate; I did not want to go any more to the school to face any more of all these negative looks. My parents encouraged me to ignore them and to try to make friends by speaking with the other children. Soon they will realize that am like them.

5 I had moments of depression and anger because I could not change the way I was, nor to reprimand whoever for it Was it because I had made something bad? I thought of this because I was the only strange child in the school. I felt a burden to my family and I thought, the faster I would die, better it would be and for everybody. I wanted to end my pain and my life but I thank my parents and my family who were always there to comfort me and give me strength The skateboard was one of the favorite activities of Vujicic. He did not allow his handicap to limit him. He learnt to play the cricket, the football and even to swim. Vujicic said that he was thinking that his situation will improve so that he keeps hope. Today, he encourages the others to do their best with what they have. Although Vujicic tried to wear arms prosthesis, He finally decided that it was easier for him to work without them. He has a wheelchair to go to the school. At the age of 12, he became the first school captain for physically handicapped students of state of Mac Gregor. .

6 The agonies at the school, the shame and the solitude caused me some emotional difficulties. Then God gave me a profound desire to share my story and my experiences to ' to help other persons to accept their own difficulties and to leave the care of making it blessings. To encourage and inspire the other persons to realize completely their potential and not to leave whatever it is to prevent them from realizing their dreams, one of the first lessons that I learnt was to take nothing for experience I felt a deep peace when I understood that God would let nothing come in my life without a good reason. I gave my life completely to the Christ at the age of 15, having read Jean 9. Jesus said that the reason for which the man had been born blind was «so that God's works are shown in him. " I really believed that God would cure me so that I will be a big witness to His extraordinary power. Later, I had the wisdom to understand that if we pray for something, if it is God's will, it shall take place at the appropriate time. If it is not its will, it is because He has something better in reserve. I see now this truth revealed while He uses me as I am and in a way which would not be possible with the others.

7 He makes impossible possible
Somebody said: «I began this blog with the intention to inspire myself and to motivate me to move ahead. And recently, I discovered somebody who inspires me and motivates me. This person makes impossible, possible. And regrettably, He is "different" from us «normal people.» He ….. He was born without arm or legs, but however, he managed to make things which some of us can never make. His determination, his strength and his spirit will know how to inspire us? This man, is Nick Vujicic. .

8 Even now with HIS eternal love and HIS compassion …
Each time you believe that the life is inequitable Wonder!!! This story is really stunning!!! It is for you If you are depressed in your current situation If you are rejected in all the domains of your life If you are angry for what comes at you recently in your life deliberately or without knowing it do not worry anymore!!! God loves you … Even now with HIS eternal love and HIS compassion … Totally trust Him … He will never give up on you !

9 As you can imagine, I faced many challenges and obstacles.
With God in his life, life is enjoyable. I was born without members and the doctors had no medical explanation on this "defective" birth. As you can imagine, I faced many challenges and obstacles. Consider it with enjoyment, every time you will have to face the challenges of all kinds.

10 I am a speaker in companies.
And we know that in all things God works for the best of those who loves him. " This verse spoke so hardly in my heart that it convinced me that there is no fate when luck or coincidence of the " evil " comes in our life. Everything has a sense!!! !!! I know now that the glory revealed me how it uses me in my unique event as it uses the others in their different specificities, their precious differences … I am now 23 years old and blooming as businessman in the financial planning and the accounting . I am also a manager and I like sharing my testimony as opportunities comes. To encourage the students, I organize debates on subjects which challenge current teenagers. I am a speaker in companies.

11 My passion is to help young people, and sees that am available any time. I have many dreams and purposes which I hope to achieve in my life .

12 Hopefully to become financially independent at 25-years,
I want to become a better witness and to give some hope for all. Become a speaker inspired all around the world, Be used as a headlight in the places of meeting, for Christians as non Christians. Hopefully to become financially independent at 25-years, by investing in real estates, I want to build a car to adapted to my condition, make interviews and share my story in the TV. Writing of several best-sellers is also one of my dreams and Hoping to finish writing my first book towards the end of the year. It shall be titled: ”No arm, nobody legs, without anxieties” ! ‘’

13 S P E A K R Human Contact

14 Nick Vujicic is a speaker, a motivator and a director for ”The life without members. " He speaks about his life, how he moves and how he succeeds in the life. Without members, we, “normal” people, can think that he will not be capable of doing things that normal people can do, like writing, swimming, drums etc. But, THIS MAN PROVES THAT THE WORLD MAKES A MISTAKE!!! He writes with his mouth, He can bathe; he can bit the drums with his deformed foot. To follow him in some of his daily routines, check on Google Click: Nick Vujicic Watch Videos .

15 God's impressive power is that if we want to do something for Him, instead of concentrating on ourselves, it is just enough to make ourselves available to Him because is God who acts through us, and we can do nothing without Him. May the Lord bless you!!! THIS MESSAGE HAS TO GO ROUND THE WORLD So that in any situation in your lives, you are to be grateful to GOD TILL THE END.

16 Isaiah 49:16 End Thanks Thanks

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