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The LAST Recitation Godfrey Tan.

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Presentation on theme: "The LAST Recitation Godfrey Tan."— Presentation transcript:

1 The LAST Recitation Godfrey Tan

2 Only a few things left to do in this class!
Quiz 2 Review – Sunday Quiz 2 Wednesday April 10 Project TA assignments and scheduled weekly meetings (coming up soon) Spec coming out by Friday night

3 Go home and get some sleep
See ya!

4 PS 6 Review LoadButton(JFrame f)
// Creates a new instance of Load Button void actions(JFrame f) // requires: f instanceof JFrame // effects: Adds an action to create // a LoadFrame when this // button is clicked. Sloppy spec I found from one of my students! Is LoadButton(Jframe f) a class? What does it extend? The requires clause doesn’t tell you anything!

5 PS 6 Review public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
// modifies: this, tracker representation // effects: traps toolbar button clicks // traps clicks on the toolbar button // and dispatches methods accordingly. // updates the UI where necessary. // Signals the FolioRunner class to // spawn/destroy folio windows as // necessary. // sets the modified flag if the tracker // is modified.

6 Questions Changes made to PS5? Turned in PS5 code?
Gizmoball or Anitchess? Does meet your expectations?

7 Decentralized Organization
Jointly make key decisions e.g. spec and Java interfaces Checkpoint meetings with a leader and an agenda e.g. resolve problems, track progress, code review

8 Preliminary Design Specify requirements, design document
Schedule work, sleep Say “NO” to caffeine Divide up the work into well-defined parts Use Java interfaces!!! Plan to redistribute work when something bad happens Backup often! Use CVS (~6.170/www/info/tools.html)

9 What you should have Turn vague requirements in project handout into a concrete requirement list Design overview and rationale Flexibility is important: plan for your project amendments! Explain your ADTs and the algorithms you plan to use MDD of main modules Partial specifications of all public methods in each module. Complete spec for final report.

10 What you should have Validation strategy: e.g.
chkRepInv() at beginning and end of public methods Costly checks should be done in unit tests checked vs unchecked Exceptions Messages should explain why exception was thrown Use abstraction function when a class is implemented by more than one person Use stubs/state machines

11 Incremental Model Design and redesign Implement
Validate (Unit Test and Integration) Go back to 1 Start with depth-first implementation of basic functionalities, then add more complex ones.

12 Development Stage Choose common platform and environment
Athena, Forte, etc. Stick to the API specified in the design stage Document your amendments (what and why) Inform your partner of any major changes immediately Unit testing Code review Integration testing

13 When program crashes Find the bug; keep in mind that there could be more than one bug Do NOT point fingers especially when bugs are found during integration testing It’s teamwork; help fix the bugs Help each other LEARN

14 Debugging Reproduce the bug
Form hypotheses and try to isolate the code that has the bug Use binary search to pin-point the bug Be optimistic that you will eventually find the bug Ask help from your partner and eventually your TA Remember to take frequent “snapshots” of your project so you can roll back when all else fails!

15 When schedule slips Isolate the problem
Find ways to adjust the rest of the schedule by cutting features or sleep Tell your TAs about un-cooperative partners But keep in mind, your partners are all you’ve got

16 Final words Remember- your goal is to build the software that works
Everything you have learned in is to help you achieve that Best way to learn programming is by programming When you are getting better at it, you receive more satisfaction and might actually enjoy being a programmer/engineer

17 Good luck! May the force be with you!

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