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Français 4/11/16 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 147. Dessinez le vocabulaire. Why is the number ten afraid of seven? Dangereux/euse – dangerous. Cette centrale.

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Presentation on theme: "Français 4/11/16 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 147. Dessinez le vocabulaire. Why is the number ten afraid of seven? Dangereux/euse – dangerous. Cette centrale."— Presentation transcript:

1 Français 4/11/16 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 147. Dessinez le vocabulaire. Why is the number ten afraid of seven? Dangereux/euse – dangerous. Cette centrale nucléaire est dangereuse. This power plant is dangerous. Goals – Continue to work with vocabulary, talking about and ordering food. Refresh our memory and fill the gaps of understanding, Devoirs – Write a rough draft dialogue for 5-1.

2 Français 4/12/16 How can you get four suits for a couple of bucks?
Ouvrez vos livres á la page 160. Faites #2. How can you get four suits for a couple of bucks? Hautain – haughty, stuck up. Pourquoi es-tu si hautain? Why are you so stuck up? Goals – Begin practicing the ordering conversation using: faim, soif, je voudrais and various forms of prendre. Devoirs –Second draft dialogue 5-1.

3 Français 4/13/16 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 149. Faites #13.
What bird can lift the most? La joie – joy. Nous avons tous sauté de jouie. We all jumped for joy. Goals – Practice the dialogue and get extra practice on confusing parts. Devoirs – Final draft Dialogue 5-1 on a separate <<feuille de papier>> due tomorrow at the beginning of class.

4 Français 4/14/16 Cinq minutes preparer à l’orale 5-1.
What bone will dogs never eat? Le coq – rooster. Il est fier comme un coq. He is as proud as a peacock. Goals – Successfully complete orale 5-1. Devoirs – A la page 151, # 15 Méli-Mélo!

5 Français 4/15/16 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 151. Ecoutons.
What can you hold without ever touching it? Avoir peur – to be scared. Il n’a pas du tout eu peur. He wasn’t scared at all. Goals – Learn more ways to discuss and order food and drink at a café. Devoirs – A la page 161, faites #3.

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