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Wordformation practice

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1 Wordformation practice

2 Change these verbs to nouns
inform information excite excitement improve improvement suggest suggestion move movement direct direction arrange arrangement imagine imagination examine examination describe description

3 Change these verbs to nouns
govern government create creation/creator entertain entertainment require requirement expect expectation manage management state statement punish punishment invite invitation invent invention

4 Change these verbs to nouns
act action depend dependence rely reliance able ability enter entrance differ difference refer reference form formation discuss discussion attend attendance

5 Change these verbs to nouns
disturb disturbance appear appearance achieve achievement treat treatment discover discovery educate education prepare preparation define definition advertise advertisement Arrive arrival admire admiration

6 Change these verbs to nouns
revise revision equip equipment pronounce pronunciation attract attraction impress impression perform performance prepare preparation protect protection populate population express expression

7 consider consideration appreciate appreciation achieve achievement agree agreement separate separation Irritate Irritation

8 Form adjectives absence Absent Competence Competent Confidence
Confident Dependence Dependent Difference different Existence Existent Evidence Evident Impudence Impudent Independence Independent

9 Innocence Innocent Insistence Insistent Intelligence Intelligent Obedience Obedient Persistence Persistent violence Violent currency current fluency fluent Frequency Frequent Urgency urgent

10 collection argument development discovery
The … soon became well-known all over the world. discover His father has the best …… of ancient coins. collect The hot … lasted two hours. argue Hong Kong is famous for its quick economic … . develop discovery collection argument development

11 perfomance translation tourists movement
Her last … in the theatre was successful. perform The girl was awarded a prize for her English … of the poem. translate The national Park is visited by thousands of … every summer. tour The trade union …has a long and important history in Britain move perfomance translation tourists movement

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