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Cellular Respiration Review

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1 Cellular Respiration Review
Four Corners

2 Rules of the game!!! Look at your cards DO NOT reveal your role to your classmates I will ask you a question, if you think the correct answer is A stand by the A sign. If you think the correct answer is B, C, or D go stand by that sign

3 If your card says FIBBER
If you hold a Player card go to the corner that you think has the right answer If you hold a Fibber card you are free to go to any corner Don’t follow a group mentality—go to the answer YOU think is correct

4 What is the formula for cellular respiration?
C6H12O6 + O2 → CO2 + H2O + energy C6H12O6 + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + energy 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + energy → C6H12O O2 CO2 + H2O + energy → C6H12O6 + O2

5 Where does glycolysis take place?
Cytoplasm Matrix Inter-membrane space Cristae

6 What form of fermentation is used by Yeast to make things like bread?
Lactic Acid Krebs Glycolysis Alcoholic

7 Where does fermentation take place?
Matrix Cytoplasm Inter-membrane space Cristae

8 Which high energy electron carrier produces the most ATP in the ETC?

9 What are the two electron carriers in cellular respiration?

10 Why do we need fermentation?
Our bodies use the alcohol and lactic acid as energy It produces the most ATP It is used for long-term energy It regenerates NAD+ molecules

11 What happens to CO2 in the Krebs Cycle?
It broken down to make ATP It stays in the matrix It is released into the atmosphere The mitochondria uses if for energy

12 Glycolysis requires oxygen.
True False

13 What does a calorie and a Calorie have in common?
They are both used to measure heat energy They are the same thing The are what we see on food labels telling us what is in our food 1 calorie = 1000 Calories

14 Where do prokaryotes have their electron transport chain?
In the mitochondria In the cytoplasm In the cell membrane Attached to their nucleus

15 Fermentation is an anaerobic process.
True False

16 Where does the Krebs cycle take place?
In the cristae In the inter-membrane space In the matrix In the Cytoplasm

17 What is the final electron acceptor at the end of the electron transport chain?

18 It goes into fermentation It enters the Krebs cycle
What happens to the pyruvic acid made in glycolysis if there is no oxygen present? It goes into fermentation It enters the Krebs cycle It enters the citric acid cycle Nothing, it needs oxygen

19 Which is the correct order of cellular respiration?
Electron transport chain → glycolysis → Krebs cycle Glycolysis → Electron transport chain → Krebs cycle Krebs cycle → Electron transport chain → glycolysis Glycolysis → Krebs cycle → Electron transport chain

20 What letter represents the place where H+ ions build up?

21 What letter represents the cristae?

22 How many carbon dioxide molecules are produced from 1 glucose
16 32 3 6

23 If you need quick energy you will use….
Lactic Acid Fermentation Alcoholic Fermentation Electron Transport Cellular Respiration

24 What is the first step in cellular respiration?
Fermentation Krebs Cycle Glycolysis Electron Transport Chain

25 What stage of cellular respiration produces the most ATP?
Electron Transport Chain Glycolysis Fermentation Krebs Cycle

26 Glycoproteins, Alcohol Glycogen, Fat
When exercising for long periods of time your body will first burn _________ and then _________ Fat, Sugar Sugar, Glycogen Glycoproteins, Alcohol Glycogen, Fat

27 Creatine Glycogen Citric Acid Oxygen
What is the substance that is found in muscle cells that can add phosphates to an ADP Creatine Glycogen Citric Acid Oxygen

28 How many total ATP are produced by 1 glucose in cellular respiration?
16 32 6 36

29 Pyruvic Acid Citric Acid Glucose ATP
What is the name of the 6 carbon molecule formed when Acetyl-CoA its 2 carbons to a 4 carbon molecule in the Krebs Cycle? Pyruvic Acid Citric Acid Glucose ATP

30 Citric Acid Acetic Acid Pyruvic Acid Hydrochloric Acid
What is the three carbon molecule produced when glucose is split in half? Citric Acid Acetic Acid Pyruvic Acid Hydrochloric Acid

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