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Presentation on theme: "SOUTHEAST ASIAN CERAMICS MUSEUM"— Presentation transcript:

B A N G K O K U N I V E R S I T Y Buddhism in Upper Chao Phraya Basin: An Intersection of Dvaravati Culture between the Khorat Plateau and the Tha Chin Valley Pimchanok Pongkasetkan Curator of Southeast Asian Ceramics Museum

2 Focuses To characterize Dvaravati Culture in Upper Chao Phraya basin via Buddhist material To consider the relationship of Dvaravati settlement in upper Chao Phraya basin and another site in Thailand

3 Characteristic of Dvaravati Culture
Early historical Culture in Thailand, dating from 5th – 12th Centuries AD. Spreading all over Thailand territory except Southern part Buddhist communities, but still some trace of Hinduism

4 Some Important Dvaravati settlement
Credit: Mathew D. Gallon

5 Buddhist Material in Dvaravati Culture
Dharmachakra Buddha Image Votive Tablet Narrative Art Sema Stone Miniature Terracotta Stupa

6 Dharmachakra Mostly found in Central Thailand (Tha- Chin basin), especially in Ancient Nakorn Prathom and U-Thong, Supanburi Few number in Northeast, South, and Upper Central

7 Buddha image

8 Votive Tablet Mostly found in Dvaravati Settlement Various Types

9 Narrative Art Life of the Buddha Jataka Bodhisattva in Mahayanism
Credit: Dr. Stephen A. Murphy

10 Sema Stone General use as boundary stone
Narrative Art Depicting as common Mostly found in Northeast Thailand Few number found in Central and Western Credit: Dr. Stephen A. Murphy

11 Miniature Terracotta Stupa
General found in Central Thailand Some pieces revealed “Ye dharma…” inscription in Pali

12 Dvaravati Settlement in Upper Chao Phraya Basin
Dong Mae Nang Muang, Nakorn Sawan province Thap Cumpon, Nakorn Sawan province Kok Mai Den, Nakorn Sawan province Wat Tha Mai, Nakorn Sawan provice U-Trapao, Chainat province

13 Thup Chumpon Dong Mae Nang Muang Kok Mai den U-Trapao &Dong Kon

14 Dong Mae Nang Muang, Nakorn Sawan province
Moated site with rampart, square in shape Late Dvaravati period during 9th-12th centuries Sema Stone, Buddha Image and Votive Tablet in Northeast Artisans styles

15 Thap Chumpon, Nakorn Sawan province
Moated site with rampart, round in shape Miniature Terracotta Stupa with inscription and Votive Tablets

16 Kok Mai Den, Nakorn Sawan province
Moated site Monument with narrative art depicting Votive tablet

17 Wat Tha Mai, Nakorn Sawan provice
No settlement found Dharmachakra with Stumbha

18 U-Trapao and Dong Kon, Chainat province
Moated site, with rampart Dharmackra with Stumbha Narrative art depicting Buddha with Stupa and Dharmachakra Credit:Prof.Phasook Indrawooth

19 Comparison of Buddhist Material from Central Thailand(Tha Chin Valley)
Dharmachakra - Wat Tha Mai - U-Trapao - Dong Kon

20 Comparison of Buddhist Material from Central Thailand(Tha Chin Valley)
Dharmachakra at Nakorn Prathom and U-Thong

21 Comparison of Buddhist Material from Central Thailand(Tha Chin Valley)
Buddha Image from Dong Mae Nang Muang Buddha Image from Nakorn Prathom

22 Comparison of Votive tablet from Central Thailand(Tha Chin Valley)
Votive tablet from Dong Mae Nang Muang Votive Tablet from Nakorn Prathom

23 Comparison of Narrative Art from Central Thailand(Tha Chin Valley)
Saddanta Jataka from Kok mai Den Saddanta Jataka from Chula Prathon Chedi, Nakorn Prathom

24 Comparison of Miniature Terracotta Stupa from Central Thailand(Tha Chin Valley)
Min.Terrocotta Stupa from Thup Chumpon Min.Terrocotta Stupa from Nakorn Prathom

25 Comparison of Buddhist Material from Korat Plateau and Pasak Valley
Votive Tablet from Dong Mae Nang Muang Votive Tablet from Fa Daed Song Yang

26 Comparison of Buddhist Material from Korat Plateau and Pasak Valley
Sema Stone from Dong Mae Nang Muang Sema Stone from Muang Fa Daed

27 Comparison of Buddhist Material from Korat Plateau and Pasak Valley
Sema Stone from Dong Mae Nang Muang Sema Stone from Sri Thep

28 Comparing Buddhist material
Central Thailand(Tha Chin Basin) - Dharmachakra - Votive tablet - Narrative Art - Miniature Terracotta Stupa Northeast Thailand (Korat Plateau and Pasak Valley) - Votive Tablet - Sema Stone


30 Conclusion Buddhist material from Upper Chao Phraya basin illustrate the relationship within this area, Tha Chin Basin, Korat Plateau and Pasak valley Mainly of the Buddhist Material are obviously derive from Central Thailand but some parts still show the affiliation with the Northeast too In case of using Sema Stone at Dong Mae Nang Muang, it revealed the influence of local Dvaravati culture from Korat Plateau and Pasak Valley in this site, which is different from the other in the same area Anyway, All need to do further studies in the future.

31 Ackowledgement Thank you for:
Southeast Asian Ceramics Museum Bangkok University Archaeology Faculty, Silpakorn university National Museum Bangkok, National Museum U-Thong, National Museum Rajaburi, National Museum Nakorn Prathom, National Museum Chainatmuni Ta Sung Sub-District Office Nakorn Sawan, Museum of Wat Dong Mae Nang Muang At last, for all my family, friends and colleagues with warming support; Chok, Amp, Joice,Tuk, Stephen, Matt, Attha, Ploy, Erb, Veen


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