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Models of Good Practice: Person Centred Care & Cultural Inclusiveness

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Presentation on theme: "Models of Good Practice: Person Centred Care & Cultural Inclusiveness"— Presentation transcript:

1 Models of Good Practice: Person Centred Care & Cultural Inclusiveness
Creating partnerships with CALD agencies to enhance Care Recipient outcomes Deidre McGill Program Manager Packaged Care

2 Packaged Care Program at RDNS
Packaged Care Program, CACPs, EACH & EACHD, started at RDNS in 2009 Regions covered in Melbourne are Southern, Eastern and Western Care Recipients are a culturally diverse population 17 languages spoken by Care Recipients 6 languages spoken within the team of 7 staff

3 Person Centred Care & Cultural Inclusiveness
Creating partnerships with CALD Agencies to ensure continuous delivery of high quality, culturally appropriate services to people on Packages - CACPs, EACH & EACHD Development of MOU with 7 culturally specific agencies – transition & brokerage Development of strong Partnership Model Cultural, emotional, spiritual, mental & physical wellbeing

4 Benefits of culturally specific care - Care Recipient.
Person centred care – individuals needs & wants are the focus Individual based goals & outcomes that are culturally specific Effective communication with service providers. Strengthened relationship with care workers.

5 Benefits of culturally specific care - Service Providers
Collaborative & positive relationship between partnering agency staff Strengthening of relationships broadly - agencies. Sharing of knowledge & information-specific & general Enhancement of Care Recipient benefits & outcomes –working satisfaction

6 Partnerships Relationships
Caring.....sharing.... positive....spirit of collaboration...sharing of life stories

7 End of Year Celebration 2011
A focus on celebrating the years achievements..... ......& life achievements! Good food, company, music, singing, dancing and laughter was experienced by all. The specialness of enjoying an afternoon with other Care Recipients, carers and service providers was the main highlight.

8 End of Year Celebration 2011

9 Celebrating Life Many people had arrived at Princess Pier as new immigrants over 50 years ago – this was their first visit back to Port Melbourne Care Recipients, workers, carers & Case Managers have built strong levels of mutual trust. Partnerships are enhanced.

10 Cultural Diversity in our community - culturally specific services
Cultural sensitivity Language appropriate Person centred care Emotional, physical, spiritual, cultural & mental wellbeing Trust

11 Measure of Success Bi-annual Care Recipient feedback session
Yearly Care Recipient survey 6 monthly formal meeting between agencies to review MOU & relationship Regular discussions – Case Manager and Service Providers

12 Strong partnership model = positive outcomes & benefits for all
Genuine caring. Thank you

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