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Welcome to Reception 2017 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Reception 2017 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Reception 2017 1

2 A little bit about us… 2

3 Timetable Playtime Lunchtime Playtime and healthy snack
Monday Classroom provision Assembly Phonics and handwriting focus Lunchtime Fruit/PSED/Story Tuesday Playtime and healthy snack Playtime Wednesday Good Work Assembly Indoor P.E. Crafts and Music Thursday ICT Friday Nursery and Reception Outdoor learning Enrichment Afternoon

4 What your child needs to have in school
Uniform (labelled) Coat (whatever the weather labelled) Water bottle (labelled) One healthy snack P.E. kit (labelled) Book bag with reading book 4

5 Curriculum Early Years Foundation Stage
We aim to provide your child with a curriculum which enables them to meet developmental milestones through a fun, creative and tailored approach. To find out more about the curriculum, search for Development Matters on the internet. 5

6 We like to learn outside

7 We don’t mind getting messy.

8 We make new friends and learn how to get along with others.

9 It’s okay to play! That’s how we learn.

10 Independence and Responsibility

11 Assessment We want to hear from you! Baseline assessment
Continuous informal assessment, through observation 1:1 and small group activities Guided reading sessions Assessing alongside the Development Matters Framework End of year Profile (The Early Learning Goals) We want to hear from you!

12 Home/School Partnership

13 Parental support 13

14 Thank you for listening

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