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CMS November Upgrade Week

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1 CMS November Upgrade Week
DT Upgrade Plans CMS November Upgrade Week P. Zotto, C. Fernández Bedoya on behalf of DT Upgrade group November 8th, 2011

2 DT Upgrade plans PHASE 1 (2013-2014)
* Replacement of theta TRB (Trigger boards) * Relocation of Sector Collector from the cavern (UXC) to the counting room (USC) PHASE 1 following steps (not strictly tighten to LHC shutdowns): * Replacement of DTTF (DT Track Finder) * Redesign of the TSC boards (Sector Collector trigger) * Redesign of the ROS boards (Sector Collector read-out) PHASE 2 * Connection with the tracker in the Level-1 trigger system * Replacement of Minicrate electronics?? (aging…)

3 November 8th, 2011 3 DRIFT TUBES: TRB theta Goal: Replace all MB1s theta TRB (120 u.) with the new boards based in FPGA to increase #spares - Project is progressing satisfactorily - First PCB prototype produced and being assembled with 1 FPGA/4 BTIs

4 DRIFT TUBES: TRB theta - Testing of the board is underway
November 8th, 2011 4 DRIFT TUBES: TRB theta - Testing of the board is underway - Radiation test by neutrons from 5.5MeV done on main components. Results show that this components are suitable for SLHC. - Further irradiation tests with the full board to take place at LHC irradiation facility H4IRRAD

5 DRIFT TUBES: TRB theta Installation in 2013-2014 MILESTONES:
November 8th, 2011 5 DRIFT TUBES: TRB theta Installation in MILESTONES: -Test prototype functionality during the next 2-3 months (key point to insure we don´t incorporate extra delays) -Test prototype at LNL with a full DT chamber (guarantee proper integration and final functionality) -Irradiation test of the full board in H4IRRAD (depends when access is available, May 2012?) * Installation and commissioning planning is delicate due to interference with HO interventions, availability of central services, SC relocation, etc => Careful planning with technical coordination * Budget secured through MoB, no major concerns at present * In general, could always profit from extra delays in the LS1

6 DRIFT TUBES: SC relocation
November 8th, 2011 6 DRIFT TUBES: SC relocation Goal: Replace SC crate with simple CuOF electronics and place TSC (Trigger Sector Collector) and ROS (Read Out Server) in USC during LS1 Motivation: Reduce the critical electronics in UXC, minimizing single point of failures

7 DRIFT TUBES: SC relocation
November 8th, 2011 7 DRIFT TUBES: SC relocation STATUS: - Architecture of the system basically finalized - Cost-book and responsibilities sharing pretty much defined, still few details missing Overall financial contributions seem within cost expectations. At present we are in the process of defining the incomes arrival profile. CuOF - Testing board to validate final components produced and assembled - First irradiation tests being performed, seem promising CUOF

8 DRIFT TUBES: SC relocation
November 8th, 2011 8 DRIFT TUBES: SC relocation (STATUS cont.) Fibers study: - Market survey has been taking place in the last months and some suitable candidates seem to be available Installation details are being studied Testing system for the final batch of fibers under development Talking about testing… new collaborators joining DT group from Estonia (Tallinn University of Technology). They will contribute with the fabrication of an updated pattern unit board that will improve the testing of present system and future upgrades.

9 DRIFT TUBES: SC relocation
November 8th, 2011 9 DRIFT TUBES: SC relocation OFCU -The architecture has been decided and seems to comply satisfactorily with the different constraints (available rack space in USC, cabling, etc) => re-check L1A latency - OFCU-TSC first prototype under production - OFCU-ROS design of the first prototype under going

10 DRIFT TUBES: SC relocation
November 8th, 2011 10 DRIFT TUBES: SC relocation SC relocation MILESTONES -Finalize the architecture of the system by the end of the year (basically done) -Identify suitable CUOF devices radiation tolerant (underway) -Production of the CUOF prototype (Q1-Q2 2012) -Test full chain CUOF+OFCU+TSC/ROS by Q2-Q -Detailed study of the L1A latency

11 DRIFT TUBES: SC relocation
November 8th, 2011 11 DRIFT TUBES: SC relocation Schedule is tight aiming to parallelize as much as possible the different tasks

12 DRIFT TUBES: Next steps
November 8th, 2011 12 DRIFT TUBES: Next steps Produce a new Trigger Sector Collector Funded for , design can start earlier Goal: New interface to the new DTTF that has to be produced at the same time Reduce complexity (presently 2 crates/wheel) using modern technology, providing a more integrated TSC-DTTF solution Try to be ready for phase-2 upgrades Plans: Design the detail of the system (form factor, optical technology etc.) together with the new DTTF Plan to reuse the optical receivers initially used in the OfCu boards (snap-on). The SC relocation will allow to test a prototype of the new system together with the old one (fiber splitting) in USC

13 DRIFT TUBES: Next steps
November 8th, 2011 13 DRIFT TUBES: Next steps Produce a new ROS board: * Work has been done in the implementation of proper deserialization of the readout data using internal FPGA deserializers * Results are satisfactorily with measured BER < 10-13 * Most of the ROS functionality can nowadays be merged in a low cost FPGA, VHDL code being implemented, more functionality could be envisaged. (First need is to speed up the event processing time).

14 DRIFT TUBES: Summary * DT upgrade projects are evolving satisfactorily
November 8th, 2011 14 DRIFT TUBES: Summary * DT upgrade projects are evolving satisfactorily * Funding does not seem to be a critical constrain at present (though detailed time profile should be reviewed) * But… schedule is tight and there is no room for contingency: Scenario will be clearer in the next months: Trying to reach the critical milestones as soon as possible: full testing of the prototypes However, also, some worries regarding interference of the different interventions that will happen during LS1, need careful planning…

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