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Communication Strategies using DiSC

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Presentation on theme: "Communication Strategies using DiSC"— Presentation transcript:

1 Communication Strategies using DiSC
Sales Management Meeting 2011

2 Ever Ask Yourself… Is there another way?
Have you ever met somebody and tried so hard to get through to them, but just found yourself unable to? What if there is another way to get to them? Is there another way? Accumetrics' Confidential - Not For Distribution

3 Purpose for Today Purpose - Enhance, Increase, Improve “Work Life” Success Process - Define Terms, Group Activities, Graph Explanation Work Applications, Action Plan Payoff - New Insights = New Communication Solutions! Apply Practical Strategies … Today! Discover More Success with Peers. Boss. Customers. Accumetrics' Confidential - Not For Distribution

4 Accumetrics' Confidential - Not For Distribution
DiSC FYI… Behavioral Styles Focus is on external, observable behaviors measured by one’s openness & directness. How to use this Report Part 1: Understanding your own personal style Part 2: Action Plans for interaction with others This doesn’t measure psychosis, how smart you are or whether you do your job well. Accumetrics' Confidential - Not For Distribution

5 Adaptability… stretch, flex
Apply Your Strengths or Modify Your Style to meet needs of a given situation or relationship. Slinky – pass out. When first picked up, it is rigid. When it is stretched, it is more flexible. Accumetrics' Confidential - Not For Distribution

6 Accumetrics' Confidential - Not For Distribution
Question If you go to Italy, it would be wise to try and speak which language? Increase Receptivity! If you go to a foreign country, like Italy. Would you just hop on a plane and go? Or would you want to familiarize yourself with a few italian words, like hotel, bathroom… Which person do you think the italians would be more receptive to? The person who came without ever attempting to learn anything about their language (and expected the italians to know english) or the person who came armed with a few key italian words? Accumetrics' Confidential - Not For Distribution

7 Visiting Four Countries
Before visiting other countries, learn basic words & actions Your native language (or style) remains your most familiar language. ominant nteractive teady ompliant Athlete Coach/Entertainer Professor Scientist

8 Identify Natural Style
Adapting Style Graph I Natural Style Graph II Focus on Graph II - Natural Circle highest point(s.) D I S C D I S C Sample Graphs Page 6 DISC Report Turn to page 6 of your report. There you will find 2 graphs, your adapting style, graph 1 and your natural style, graph 2. Please focus on graph 2, on the right. Wherever your highest point is on your graph 2, circle it.

9 Activity Based on the highest point on your Graph II - Natural
Go to your side of the room. Now if you circled either an S or a C, go to the left side of the room. If you circled a D or an I, go to the right side of the room. Ds and Is – you are more assertive oriented, like race car drivers and entertainers. S&C’s you are more cautious, like professors and scientists Go to primary styles, 4 corners of the room. I&S – people are the priority. The I’s are more me oriented and the Ss are more team oriented D&C – Task is your priority. The Ds are focused on goals and Cs are more concerned with the accuracy of the task ((((Point to D)) what is the pace? What is their priority? (((Point to S)) what is the pace? What is the priority? Why would these 2 groups have conflict? Now Left Side of Room Right Side of Room

10 Please write the following on page 6
Adapting Style Graph I Snapshot of One Workday Natural Style Graph II Real You – 24/7 At Work or Home Styles Assessment NOT Skill Assessment Energy Line

11 High D – Problem Solver High Intensity Energy Line Low Intensity
C High Intensity Problem Solve NOW! Energy Line Assertive Low Intensity Process First Strong “D” - Athlete.

12 Low D Thinks before deciding on a solution High Intensity
Gathers information Reflective Time to Process High Intensity Problem Solve Energy Line Assertive Low Intensity Process First

13 High I – People Pleaser High Intensity Energy Line Low Intensity
D S C High Intensity People Pleaser Energy Line Influential Low Intensity Likes to Stay Low Key Strong “I” – Coach or Entertainer.

14 Low I - People D S C Prefers to be behind the scenes, taking care of business Reserved Observer Supportive High Intensity People Pleaser Energy Line Influential Low Intensity Comfortable Being Supportive

15 High S - Planner High Intensity Energy Line Low Intensity
Supportive High Intensity Plans, Predictable Low Intensity Sporadic D C I Strong “S” - Professor.

16 Low S - Pace Independent and Undisciplined High Intensity Rambunctious
Spontaneous Fast Pace 20 Directions at Once High Intensity Plans, Predictable Energy Line Supportive Low Intensity Spontaneity

17 High C - Procedures High Intensity Energy Line Low Intensity
Detailed High Intensity Procedures Low Intensity Not Detailed D S I Strong “C” - Scientist.

18 Low C - Procedures D I S Changes the rules if they don’t seem to fit their perception Rebel High Intensity Procedures Energy Line Detailed Low Intensity Breaks the Rules

19 Team Graphs II

20 Graphs I & II - Similar Adapting Style Graph I Natural Style Graph II If both Adapting Style & Natural Style are similar: You tend to use same behavioral traits across environments. Work feels inline with how you would like to be communicating. = Page 6 of your report

21 Graphs I & II - Different
Adapting Style Graph I Natural Style Graph II If Adapting Style is significantly different than Natural Style: Going out of comfort zone (style) to get job done. Shows flexibility. If prolonged, can cause stress. Helpful – recall what responsibilities you were carrying out the day you took the DISC. = Page 6 of your report

22 Comparing DISC Graphs I & II “The Real You”

23 Comparing DISC Graphs I & II “The Real You” versus “Snapshot of You”

24 1 Comparing DISC Graphs I & II “The Real You” versus “Snapshot of You”

25 Strengths ominant nteractive teady ompliant
Asks questions that challenge tradition Works quickly to resolve issues nteractive Brings a sense of enthusiasm Easily negotiates conflicts between teams teady Excels at calming disagreements Looks for different approaches ompliant Clarifies complex issues Demonstrates technical expertise Go to page 8 in your report. This is where your strengths are. If you did not fill out page 13 already, then mark the 2 strengths which are most like you. Do the same with areas of improvement. Turn the page and do the same with what you need.

26 Motivated by ominant nteractive teady ompliant
Authority equal to responsibility Opportunities to express ideas and opinions nteractive Recognition for skills and insights Power to control own career path teady Sincerity from groups and peers Sufficient time to adjust to change ompliant Tasks completed right first time Projects highly specialized On page 10, you will find what motivates you. I will sound something like… Mark the two motivators that sound most like you. Do the same with most effective in selling environments Turn the page and mark the 2 work style tendencies that sound like you.

27 Communication Tips ominant nteractive teady ompliant
Get to the point quickly; Don’t ramble Be prepared to handle some objections nteractive Be engaging and fast-paced Provide immediate incentives for them teady Be candid, open and patient Provide assurance on their input and suggestions ompliant Present ideas logically List pros and cons of suggestions you make Finally, turn the page and mark the 2 communication tips that sound most like you. It may sound like…

28 Style Summary Page 13 of Your Report
On page 13, write in what you marked in the previous pages.

29 Activity Pair and Share Find a partner. Open your report to page 13
You will have 7 minutes to debrief the other person on your page 13. While listening to the other person, give specific positive feedback about how you would like your partner to communicate differently with you. After 7 minutes, switch. At the end of the exercise, come away with agreements on how you will communicate differently

30 Activity Let’s Go On Vacation
You are going to sell a Once in a Lifetime vacation! You are going to sell the vacation to an assigned style, DiSC. Create your pitch based around your assigned style Put it on the flipchart paper Be ready to sell the rest of the groups on why your vacation is the one they should choose.

31 How to Identify Another’s Profile

32 Reinforces Action Steps
Page 24 of Your Report

33 Action Plan - Dominant Page 24 of your report Characteristics:
Concerned with being #1 Thinks logically Wants facts and highlights Strives for results Likes personal choices How to React: Show them how to win, new opportunities Display reasoning Provide concise data Agree on goal and boundaries, then support them or get out of their way Allow them to “do their thing,” within limits Page 24 of your report

34 Action Plan - Interactive
Characteristics: Concerned with approval and appearances Seeks enthusiastic people and situation Thinks emotionally Wants to know the general expectations Needs involvement and people contact How to React: Show them that you admire and like them Behave optimistically and provide upbeat setting Support their feelings when possible Avoid involved details; focus on the “big picture” Interact and participate with them Page 24 of your report

35 Action Plan - Steady Page 24 of your report Characteristics:
Concerned with stability Thinks logically Wants documentation and facts Likes personal involvement Needs to know step-by-step sequence Wants others to notice their patient perseverance How to React: Show how your idea minimizes risk Show reasoning Provide data and proof Demonstrate your interest in them Provide outline and/or personally “walk them through” the instructions Compliment them for their steady follow-through Page 24 of your report

36 Action Plan – Compliant Style
Characteristics: Concerned with aggressive approaches Thinks logically Seeks data Needs to know the process Utilizes caution Prefers to do things themselves How to React: Approach them in an indirect, non-threatening way Show reasoning Give it to them in writing Provide explanations and rationale Allow them to think, inquire and check before they make decisions When delegating, let them check before they make decisions Page 24 of your report

37 Activity Action Plans with All Four Styles
Go to page 23 and page 24 in your report Identify somebody who is not in the training session (peer, subordinate, prospective customer) Identify their style Under ‘Characteristics’, check mark those that apply Under the ‘So You’ column, put an X by the behaviors that you already demonstrate with the person Circle those that remain. This is your action plan. Do the same with the other styles. Find a partner and go over your lists.

38 In closing… Learn? Insights? Follow Up Actions?

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