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New „Partnership“ on Functional Regions

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1 New „Partnership“ on Functional Regions
Urban Agenda for the EU New „Partnership“ on Functional Regions Dr. Rolf-Barnim Foth -- BWVI Hamburg September 2017

2 Urban Agenda Initiative under NL EU-Presidency
„Pact of Amsterdam“ 29 May 2016 Targets: Better regulation. Better funding. Better knowledge. 12 „Partnerships“: circular economy, urban mobility, jobs and skills in the local economy, energy transition, climate adaption, urban poverty, inclusion of migrants and refugees, housing, air quality, innovative and responsible public procurement, sustainable use of land and nature-based solutions and digital transition 3 meetings per year, max. 3 years to final report 15-20 partners: Member states, cities, DG Regio, EUROCITIES (always!), URBACT, ESPON, other stakeholders

3 Urban Agenda – proposal for a 13th „Partnership“:
“Functional Regions as Motors of Europe‘s competitiveness and cohesion“ So far supported by: Federal Government of Germany Hamburg Metropolitan Region Nantes Métropole (ex chair Eurocities) IKM –Organisation of metro regions in Germany metro region Gdansk-Zopot-Gdynia Groningen Business Region Aalborg Business Region Gothenburg renewable energy cluster of Hamburg Metro Region HafenCity University Hamburg, Chair of regional cooperation METREX OECD

4 13th „Partnership“ - Reason why
Metro regions are cohesive systems – regional win-win-partnerships of structurally stronger and weaker partners (EU member states and the Commission lack understanding) Functional regions extend (sometimes even far) beyond existing metro regions or areas and therefore contribute to the EU cohesion policy Cities + functional regions are motors of Europe‘s competitiveness and innovation; (functional regions may consist of cluster cooperations, too) If the relatively small European functional regions cooperate on a long-term basis, „virtual critical mass“ could be created to keep pace in terms of competitiveness with mega-cities in Asia and America. Conclusion: With more recognition and support functional regions could support European and national policies to make Europe more competitive and more cohesive ! European policies focus either on cities or on rural areas. Not on functional regions. So far EU and member states see cities rather as „agglomerations“ of social and environmental problems –not as drivers of economy, knowledge and innovation. Urban policies concentrate on problems. It is mainly functional regions around one or several cities which guarantee the international competitiveness of their nation as well as of Europe as a whole – and the revenues to finance cohesion. Cooperation in functional regions is voluntary, at eyelevel and takes place on the basis of win-win - not by unilateral transfer. Therefore project cooperation can be more sustainable. Functional regions are cohesive systems in themselves – urban-urban or urban-rural cooperation of structurally stronger and less strong partners. Functional regions work across national borders and can be established across large distances.

5 Example 1: Cluster policy „Maritime Industry“
From HMR to 5 Federal States: Kick off by HMR in 2007; 3 Federal States in 2011; 5 Federal States in 2017 = 10 years !!! Internationalisation = next step Source:

6 Example 2: Greater Copenhagen + Skåne
Cooperation since 1999: STRING („Inventing New Geography) 5,3 + 4 mill. inh. Urban-rural partnership ! Other examples: Helsinki-Tallinn Rhein-Neckar - Vlaams-Brabant

7 Example 3: European Aerospace Cluster Partnership
Managed by Network coordination Monitoring of EU calls Collection of international project proposals Distribution of information Support in finding project partners Pool of contacts to 42 aerospace regions in Europe

8 Examples for possible results
Enhancement of regional statistics (no description of functional regions; no regionalised statistic on exchange of goods and services among EU-MS) Funding of bilateral long-term cross-border cooperation between functional regions (new budget line between Interreg A and B/Europe) Funding for internationalisation of clusters (cooperation within Europe) Change in rules concerning RIS (standard requirement „internationalisation“)

9 Next steps Result of Tallinn UDG meeting (working level of ministries responsible for urban development) of 26 September: Only 12 partnerships simultaneously: new opportunity as from end 2018; possible new partnerships culture, water, energy, functional areas New partnerships need approval of Informal Council of Ministers responsible for urban development. Next meeting under Romanian Presidency Written procedure possible. Necessety to identify partners with regional coverage of EU, esp. among EU member states (Eurocities + Metrex could ensure broad participation) Work on action plan can start now.

10 Thank you for your support !

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