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NCD policy and programming Bangladesh

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1 NCD policy and programming Bangladesh
Dr A. K. M. Jafar Ullah DPM (Arsenic & NCD), DGHS, Bangladesh and NCD Focal Point, WHO, Bangladesh Bangladesh

2 Outline of the presentation
Introduction Situation of NCDs Achievements in tackling NCDs and their Risk Factors Challenges Lesson learnt Next steps

3 Introduction (Demography)
Population size 156 million Population density of 979 persons/Km2 One-third of the population is under 15 years Around 61.4% are aged years Around 4.5% are aged 65 or older. (Rapidly rising) Urban population 27% (Rapidly increasing ) Population growth 1.292% Life expectancy at birth years

4 Situation of NCDs Prevalence of major NCDs Diabetes 3.9% (2010)
CVD 12% (2004) Hypertension 17.9% (2010) Neoplasm 3.7% (2009) COPD /Asthma 3.0% (2007) Stroke 2.4% (2009) Diabetes prevalence trend Hypertension prevalence trend

5 Death due to selected NCDs

6 Bangladesh NCD risk factor Survey 2010
Number of people (in million ) with selected risk factors among the adult population aged ≥25 years Risk factor Men Women Both sexes Current smoker 17.3 0.4 17.7 Smokeless tobacco user 09.3 10.4 19.7 Tobacco user (any form) 22.1 10.7 32.8 Low vegetable/Fruit intake a 30.8 29.2 60.0 Low physical activity b 03.3 12.8 16.1 Overweight (BMI > 25 kg/m2) 04.1 06.7 10.8 Large waist circumference c 02.5 10.5 13.0 Hypertension d 05.8 05.4 11.2 Diabetes Mellitus e 01.4 01.1 a< 5 serving/day b < 600 MET c men ≥ 94 cm women ≥ 80cm d (≥ 149 /90 mmHg) e documented

7 Achievements Logistics and skilled human resource are available at medical colleges and tertiary hospitals for management of NCDs Diagnosis and management facility for major NCDs are made available at public and private primary care health facilities Health manpower at different level were oriented and trained about NCD and its prevention Bangladesh Global Adult Tobacco Survey 2009 Bangladesh NCD Risk factor survey 2010 Development of guideline/manual for management of selected NCDs

8 Achievements contd. Piloting of selected NCD prevention and control is under way at primary care level. (Along with awareness raising campaign, manpower were trained and following logistics were provided ) Diabetes : Gluco-meter CVD : BP machine , ECG machine COPD/asthma : Nebulizer Cancer : VIA kit Interim assessment shows 60% increase in awareness level on NCDs

9 Strategies/Response National Strategic Plan for Surveillance and Prevention of NCD developed Current health sector plan identifies CVD, Cancer and Diabetes as major public health problems. Ratified the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) National essential drugs policy and a list of essential drugs is developed Strategies developed for responding to specific NCDs The National Cancer Control Strategy Injury Prevention Strategy Deafness Prevention Strategy National Eye Care Plan . Legislative initiatives related to NCDs Amendment of Mental Health Act; ; in the process of enactment, Review of tax policy, Increase of tobacco tax by NBR and amendment of Tobacco Control Law.

10 Challenges of NCD Prevention and control
Unplanned rapid urbanization Translation of NCD strategies into activities and implementation Social custom Generally women are not encouraged to go out for physical activity Dietary High carbohydrate diet may result dislipidemia Westernized Junk food is popular among wealthy population Health seeking People seek health care mostly at advance stage of the disease Out of pocket expenditure of clients

11 Lesson learnt over last 5 years
If mass awareness could be raised most of the major NCDs could be prevented like CDs in Bangladesh Strategies and laws are not enough unless adequate enforcement is done Establishment and maintenance of NCD Health Information System is essential for generation of data Capacity development of service providers is mandatory for attracting people for health care NCDs are disease of rich is not true, poor are also vulnerable to several NCDs

12 Next Steps Inclusion of country specific NCD prevention program in the upcoming new health sector program ( ) Updating of the NCD strategic plan of action Scaling up of the injury prevention piloting throughout the country Preparation for the Decade of Action for Road Safety( ) Establishment of population based Surveillance system and registries for major NCDs Development of National Communication Strategy for Health Promotion on NCDs

13 Thank You

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