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Using Evidence to Support your Opinion

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1 Using Evidence to Support your Opinion

2 While driving through Alabama on a road trip, Billy and Stan stop at a local convenience store. With his hands overloaded with snacks for the ride, Billy stores a can of tuna in his pocket. When they check out, Billy pays for all of the items; however, he forgets about the can of tuna in his pocket. After they leave the store, the clerk is shot and killed off-camera, and Billy and Stan, who match the descriptions of the murderers given by witnesses, are then pulled over and arrested in connection with the murder. Thinking that they were arrested for shoplifting, Billy confesses to committing the crime and is therefore charged with murder. Stan is charged as an accessory. Billy asks his cousin, Vinny, who just became a lawyer, to defend his case.

3 A statement that must be proven with evidence
Claim A statement that must be proven with evidence

4 Definition of Evidence
That which tends to prove or disprove something; ground for belief; proof: The signed letter with his confession was evidence that he committed the crime. To make evident or clear; show clearly His pale, sick look was visible evidence of his fever. The best evidence is evidence that is reliable and has a direct relationship to the statement it is trying to prove

5 Billy did NOT murder the clerk
Claim from the Story Billy did NOT murder the clerk

6 Strong Evidence

7 Weak Evidence

8 The world would be better off without junk food.

9 Types of Evidence Fact: 70 percent of overweight teens will grow into overweight or obese adults, which leads to diabetes, depression, etc. Eliminating junk food from our world will decrease the amount of overweight and obese adults, which will then decrease the amount of diabetes and depression. Expert Opinion: Almost one in six American children and teens are overweight because of junk food intake, according to the U.S. Surgeon General's office. Therefore, eliminating junk food from our world will decrease the amount of overweight children and teens. Quote: "The environment a lot of our kids live in is just plain unhealthy," said Dr. Goutham Rao. Therefore, if the environment continues on in this way, it will lead to more obesity. More obesity can lead to more deaths and diseases, which shows how the world would be better off without junk food. Examples: A friend, who was overweight, eliminated junk food from her diet and as a result, she became healthy and fit. Her new healthy and fit lifestyle increased her confidence and happiness.

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