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Essential Nutrients By: Tatum Sabourin.

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Presentation on theme: "Essential Nutrients By: Tatum Sabourin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Essential Nutrients By: Tatum Sabourin

2 Carbohydrates Source of energy Break down into sugars
Contain carbon, oxygen & hydrogen 50% of diet Found in most foods 2 types: Simple (sugars) Complex (starches) Sources: -Sweets, Junk Food, Fruit, Pasta, etc…

3 Fat Source of energy Helps absorb some vitamins
Eating a lot of saturated fat is bad 30% of diet Eating a lot is unhealthy 3 types: Unsaturated (good) Saturated (bad) Trans (awful) Sources: Meat, Dairy, Nuts, etc…

4 Protein Helps repair cells Builds, maintains & replaces body tissue
Made of amino acids Body uses it to make hemoglobin 20% of diet 2 Types Complete Incomplete Sources: -Dairy, Poultry, Nuts, Seafood, etc…

5 Fibre Makes a person feel full Can prevent diabetes and heart disease
Eating it can lower blood cholesterol Is carbohydrates that cannot be digested Has no calories 2 types: -Soluble -Insoluble Sources: Vegetables, Almonds, Fruits, etc…

6 Vitamins Vital for biochemical reactions
Help biological functions happen All food groups contain them Fresher foods have more There are many, including A,B,C,D,E,K 2 types: -Fat soluble (stay stored in body) -Water soluble (travel through bloodstream) Sources: Nuts, Dairy, Fruit, etc…

7 Minerals Zinc helps immune system Iron is needed to transport oxygen
Potassium keeps nervous system & muscles working Are inorganic substances Calcium is the top macro mineral 2 types: -Macro (major) -Trace Sources: Dairy, Grains, Fruits, Vegetables, etc…

8 Water Hydrates body Needed for bodily reactions Essential to life
Recommended 8 glasses a day Required amount based on age & activity Dehydration occurs when body water is low Any fluid contains it

9 Bibliography

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