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Solids Valentim M. B. Nunes ESTT - IPT May 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Solids Valentim M. B. Nunes ESTT - IPT May 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solids Valentim M. B. Nunes ESTT - IPT May 2015

2 Unlike gases, solids have an order of short and long range (localized particles).
In a monoatomic crystal every atom vibrates around the average equilibrium positions, according to each of the three axes.

3 Einstein model "The simple idea about thermal motion in solid bodies is to consider that atoms perform harmonic oscillations around their equilibrium positions" Crystal N harmonic oscillators E

4 If g() is a frequency distribution function, such that g()d is the number of vibration frequencies in the range  and  + d, then: In the Einstein’s solid: g() E E is the characteristic frequency of Einstein.

5 is the characteristic temperature of Einstein.

6 Considering the partition function for each of the oscillators, zvib:
Expression deduced by Einstein: crystals with the same value of θE/T have the same heat capacity (corresponding states).

7 For high temperatures, T  ,
At high temperatures the limit for heat capacity is:

8 Dulong and Petit law: at room temperature the specific heat of monoatomic solids is of the order of 3R  25 J.K-1.mol-1. When T  0, E/T >> 1, Then, CV  0.

9 Nernst – Lindeman model
g() E E/2 Model predicts better CV values at low temperatures.

10 Debye model: Debye considers that the atoms of a crystal vibrate not all with the same frequency, but that g() = A 2, with a maximum frequency, D. g() D 3N

11 where: D is the Debye characteristic temperature.

12 When T  , then According to the Einstein model and the law of Dulong and Petit.

13 When T  0, Debye cubic law: at low temperatures the heat capacity varies proportionally to the cube of the temperature, i.e. CV  T3.

14 The CV values are tabulated as a function of E/T or D/T.

15 For diamond the experimental value for the heat capacity is CV = 2
For diamond the experimental value for the heat capacity is CV = 2.68 J.K-1.mol-1 at 207 K. Compare this value with the predicted by the models of a)Einstein e b) Debye. E/T = 1364/207 = By the tables, CV/3R = , CV = J.K-1.mol-1, much lower than the experimental value b) D/T = 1860/207 = By the tables, CV/3R = , CV = 2.54 J.K-1.mol-1 , quite close to the experimental value.

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