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Introduction to Immunohematology

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1 Introduction to Immunohematology
Lesson 4-5 Introduction to Immunohematology

2 Immunohematology Study of human blood groups Blood bank department
Donor blood and blood transfusions Tissue typing Forensic studies Genetic studies Paternity tests See Table 4-7

3 History of Transfusion Medicine
William Harvey, 1628 James Blundell, 1818 Karl Landsteiner, 1900, 1930 First hospital blood bank, 1937 Improvements after WW II

4 History of Transfusion Medicine
Dramatic advancements from 1950s–1980s AIDS Discovered in 1980s Caused major changes in blood donation and transfusion practices

5 Standards and Regulation
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Regulates American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) Sets standards Accredits

6 Donor Blood Donor requirements Patient questionnaire Patient physical
See Tables 4-8 and 4-9

7 Donor Blood Donor blood collection Maintain sterility 450 mL
CPDA: anticoagulant plus nutrients Apheresis

8 Donor Blood Processing donor blood ABO and Rh typing Antibody screen
Tests for infectious agents See Table 4-10

9 Donor Blood Components Red blood cells Platelets
Plasma, fresh frozen plasma (FFP)

10 Storage of Donor Blood

11 Synthetic Blood Trauma victims Perfluorochemicals
Cell-free stable hemoglobin

12 Blood Bank Procedures Most tests based on agglutination Safety
ABO grouping Rh typing Compatibility testing Tests for unusual antibodies Safety Quality assessment This project was funded at $3,000,000 (100% of its total cost) from a grant awarded under the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training Grants, as implemented by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. Rogue Community College is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services, alternate form and language services are available to individuals with disabilities and limited English proficiency free of cost upon request. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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