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SA’s finances
Building for flexibility
Source: BCA
Transmission channels:
Collateral damage Transmission channels: Investment flows Remittances Donor flows Trade (prices/volumes)
Resources friction Source: BCA
Sectoral trends: revenue and employment risks
6% 22% Per cent year-on-year (real) 21% 16% 6% Sources: SARB, Statistics South Africa, Standard Bank Group
State finances: credible and consistent
Per cent of GDP 1993/1994 2008/2009 Total net loan debt 41.9 20.8 Budget balance -10.1 0.1 State debt costs 4.0 2.3 Non-interest expenditure (percent of total expenditure) 82.0% 91.5% Sources: National Treasury, Standard Bank Group
Favorable judgment (until recently)
Source: South African Reserve Bank
Fragile underlying fiscal health
Cyclical component Actual budget balance Structural budget balance Source: South African Reserve Bank
End to public sector investment strike…
Sources: SARB, Standard Bank Group
Short-term multiplier
Multiplier thrust Fiscal multipliers Short-term multiplier Long-term multiplier Personal income tax relief 0.6 0.5 Non-wage consumption 0.7 0.3 Investment 0.9 1.8 Source: Standard Bank Group
End to public sector investment strike…
Source: National Treasury
Global: South Africa: demand crunched; creative destruction
(Sharp) interruption in secular growth trend Public finances face “under-delivery” risk Budget balanced for cohesion and growth
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