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Gummy Worms Ms. Melander.

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1 Gummy Worms Ms. Melander

2 What natural resources are used?
Limestone  calcium chloride Brown seaweed  sodium alginate Seaweed is cut, then mixed with water to become a thick gel. It is diluted, filtered, and evaporated to a powder. Limestone is mined. It is reacted with hydrochloric acid or sodium chloride to make calcium chloride.

3 How is it made? Can you identify one or more molecules involved in making the product? Do one or more chemical reactions take place? Are substances heated? Are substances put under pressure? Is special machinery used? Has the method changed over the years? YOU DO NOT NEED TO ANSWER ALL THESE QUESTIONS, BUT TRY TO FIND AS MUCH INFORMATION AS POSSIBLE! Do not leave this slide here! I have left it here to show you what I used as a guide.

4 How are gel worms made? Sodium alginate polymer
Positive charge on the sodium ion A positive charge bonds with a negative charge

5 Sodium alginate is crosslinked
Calcium ions have 2 positive charges Calcium ions bond to 2 sodium alginate molecules, crosslinking chains Many crosslinking connections make the sodium alginate thicken to become a gel

6 Compare with natural product
What are the negative and positive impacts to society of making and using the synthetic product, compared to making and using a more natural product with a similar function? Consider the following questions: Are the natural resources used renewable or nonrenewable? What are the impacts of: Harvesting, mining, or collecting the natural resources? Processing the natural resources before using them to make the final product? Producing the final product? What are the positive impacts to society of using the final product? Do not leave this slide here! I have left it here to show you what I used as a guide.

7 Compare with natural product
Renewable and Nonrenewable  Natural Resources Used to Make Each Snack Main ingredient(s) Natural resources used to make each Renewable?  Why or why not? Gel worm Sodium alginate Brown Seaweed Renewable, because seaweed reproduces within a few years. Calcium chloride Limestone Not renewable, because limestone is a rock that took millions of years to form. Fresh fruit slices Fruit Fruit tree, water, and soil nutrients Renewable, because new trees can be planted, rain provides water, and good farming practices can replenish soil nutrients.

8 Impacts: Synthetic Gel Worms
Sodium alginate Harvested from oceans – home and food to ocean creatures May affect other organisms in ecosystem Processing seaweed into sodium alginate takes energy, produces waste Calcium Chloride Limestone requires mining – uses energy and pollutes Processing produces waste which requires control Producing gel worms Mass production in factory takes equipment and uses energy Positive Impacts They are yummy to eat!

9 Impacts: Real Fruit Slices
Grow and maintain fruit trees Prepare land using large equipment – uses energy, adds pollution Uses fertilizers and water for the trees Some fertilizers can pollute if they get into lakes and rivers In some areas, water might be a limited resource Use of pesticides can be a pollutant Harvesting and slicing the fruit Hand-picking doesn’t pollute, machine harvest uses energy & adds pollution Cutting fruit into pieces may be done by machine – uses energy, adds pollution Positive Impacts Sliced fruit is tasty! Fresh fruit contains vitamins and nutrients essential for good health

10 Conclusion Real fruit is probably healthier and might have fewer negative impacts. If synthetic fruit snacks could be made with vitamins, other nutrients, and not too much sugar, they might be a possible alternative to real fruit slices.

11 References Use EasyBib to create your MLA citations here (Don’t leave instructions behind. Again, this is here to show you how I made what follows.) "Natural Resources & Synthetic Materials." Middle School Chemistry. N.p., n.d. Web Sept

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