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Strategies for improving Web site performance

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1 Strategies for improving Web site performance
Google Webmaster Tools + Google Analytics Marshall Breeding Director for Innovative Technologies and Research Vanderbilt University

2 Abstract With the investments that libraries make in developing websites, it is critical to constantly measure use levels, discern patterns and trends, and spot hotspots and areas of strengths, as well as areas that aren’t working like you anticipated. Google Analytics, a free service offering a very sophisticated approach to website analytics, enables libraries to use methodologies well tuned in the ecommerce arena such as action-oriented web development and search engine optimization. Breeding demonstrates how he uses Google Analytics to assist in the management of sites such as Library Technology Guides, the Vanderbilt Television News Archive, and components of the Vanderbilt University Library’s web presence.

3 Objective Determine whether your web site meets its goals
Are there usability issues with the site? Are parts of the Web site invisible? Understand normal use patterns Mode of constant improvement Action / Goal oriented change

4 Enterprise approach to analytics
Multiplicity of Resources to track Web Servers OPACS E-Resources Databases Repositories Important to track the flow of use among all the library’s Web-based resources Beyond the library: study flow to and from higher-level Web sites and portals (University -> Courseware -> Library)

5 Collection and Measurement
Multiple techniques Server logs Third party collection

6 Web server logs Web servers are routinely configured to record detailed information about each request. Common elements include: File requested Date / time stamp Status code Request directive (get, post, head) Referrer (where the user came from) User agent (browser and platform data)

7 Exploiting referral data
The query string component of the referrer can be parsed to reveal search terms and other interesting information User typed “september 11 television archive” in Google to find our site Important to study how users get to your site [example: TV News Public Web queries vs OpenWeb)

8 Google Analytics Data Does not use Web server logs
Based on data sent dynamically based on Google Web site Complete URL Including referral data IP / Domain of requestor Aggregated patterns of use Personally identifiable data?

9 Analysis methodology Go beyond simply counting pages Identify Sessions
Categorize users Determine use patterns Measure interest Time spent on Web site Bounce rate Page overlay analysis

10 Move from measurement to impact
Establish site goals Benchmark current use Implement goal oriented improvements Measure impact Repeat as needed (Example: enhancement of TV News OpenWeb)

11 Appropriate data filtering
Requests from indexing bots (crawlers) can skew statistics Count user requests and bot requests separately Performance monitors Link checkers Monitoring crawler activity is an important component of SEO and Web site discoverability strategies. Note: Different analytics products may involve different ways of counting bot traffic.

12 Resource Discovery Few users begin with library Web sites
How do users get to your site? Track performance of the Web site relative to major search engines SEO – Search engine optimization

13 Web Discovery TV-NewsSearch Database Web TV News Web site
Sucessful search Terms: “tv news” “vanderbilt tv archive” “vanderbilt television news archive” “news archives” Search and Retrieval + e-commerce request system TV-NewsSearch Database

14 OpenWeb Strategy TV-NewsSearch Database Web TV News Web site OpenWeb
Mirror Site Generate 805,000+ Static Pages Search and Retrieval + e-commerce request system Successful search Terms: All words and phrases in TV-NewsSearch Database TV-NewsSearch Database

15 Implementation Details
Create OpenWeb mirror site Static Web page for each database record Design each page to maximize content terms exposed to Google Funnel users to existing site Not meant to be an alternative interface

16 Search engine optimization
Strategy to make your site more visible in Internet search engines: Index > page rank Tune site structure and page content to maximize exposure in search engines Systematic harvesting of pages from Web site Use of XML Sitemap API can help Monitor with Google Webmaster tools Monitor with Google Analytics Action-oriented incremental changes

17 Sitemap Protocol XML specification for systematically submitting URLs that represent a Web site Makes indexing more efficient but does not affect PageRank SiteMap interface provides utilities for monitoring how the site has been indexed with some analytical information on terms used to find your Web site. Originally proposed by Google, now used by Yahoo, Microsoft and others See:

18 Webmasters Tools Submit Sitemaps Monitor harvesting of sitemaps
Robots.txt Keyword performance

19 Google Sitemap Details

20 Google Sitemap Sitemap Details

21 Google Sitemap Top search queries

22 Sitemap Protocol Sitemap.xml

23 Sitemap Protocol

24 Measuring Web Site Use Log-based tools Analog (basic / free)
Web Trends NetTracker Urchin External perspective Google Analytics

25 Google Analytics Free tool available for measuring Web site use
Based on data sent from Web server to Google No personally identifiable data transmitted Javascript snippet added to each page

26 Google Analytics Visits Pageviews Trends over time Content
Traffic sources

27 Goal-oriented analytics
Define Goals Measure site performance through completed goals Funnels

28 Google Analytics Selection Menu

29 Google Analytics Dashboard

30 Google Analytics Visitors

31 Google Analytics Two Factors

32 Google Analytics Visitors by Country

33 Google Analytics Keywords

34 Google Analytics Referring Sites

35 Google Analytics Content by Title

36 Google Analytics Goals

37 Google Analytics Goal Conversion

38 Google Analytics Ecommerce

39 Questions and Discussion

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