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Meduflex Staff Meeting

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1 Meduflex Staff Meeting
July 2017

2 Nancy Hendry, MSN, RN, NE-BC
General Information/Announcements: Jerry, Patti, and Nancy are here to say Hello  Nancy Hendry, MSN, RN, NE-BC Director of Patient Logistics

3 Requirements/Tiers/Scheduling:
Working over your FTE: For X, A & B Tier Employees: You may not work consistently over 30 hrs a week (per ACA guidelines) Tier Agreements: If you have not worked for 15 days, you will be separated; please communicate with Jennifer & Brittany If you do not meet your tier agreement 2 schedule periods in a row you will be dropped to X tier and stay for at least 6 months M/F and S/S requirements Must be 12 hr shifts for these high demand shifts IOP must be 8 hr shifts Guidelines for working extra: Cannot exceed 60 hrs a week Cannot work more than 5 consecutive shifts

4 Requirements/Tiers/Scheduling Cont’d:
Schedule adjustments/changes: Must be 48 hrs notice and please try your best to limit these adjustments to emergent situations Do not call Jennifer directly to change schedule – all must be through RMC Incidental Work Time: Clocking in no earlier than 7 minutes prior to your shift, clocking out on time as well ED shifts (6:45) Tardies: ANYthing after your scheduled worked time 0701 is considered tardy!

5 Requirements/Tiers/Scheduling Cont’d:
Checking Smart Square: Please check Smart Square after 5:30AM or 5:30PM for your assignment, do not call the RMC for your assignment until 5:35am or 5:35 pm. PLEASE make sure your name/phone number/etc. is up to date and correct in Smart Square and MyRecords ! On Call: All RN’s will be on call for their shifts(instead of being late started) You can now use your PTO if you are put on call We continue to work on a plan that will work for Meduflex

6 Holiday Requirements/Disaster Teams
Holidays will remain the same at this time (Please refer to your tier) Summer Holidays: Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day Winter Holidays: Thanksgiving Day and Night, Christmas Eve Night, Christmas Day, New Years Eve Night, and New Years Day Disaster Teams: Meduflex will be the Pre Team and the Post Team Please pickup a form and put your preference and turn into to the office ASAP We will try to keep everyone in the preferred team, but we need to try and have equal amount on both teams from every zone

7 Yearly Evaluations and Raises
We will begin yearly evaluations very soon Unit Peer evaluations Evaluation process moving forward Anyone in written disciplinary action, did not complete competencies by 6/30, did not complete MyQuest lessons by 6/30, and/or did not attend Town Halls will not qualify for a raise

8 Meduflex Purpose and Scope
Previous state: Meduflex was designed to cover FMLA and call outs only Current state: Leadership has designed Meduflex to cover FMLA, call outs, and a percentage of shift gaps (vacancies) What does this mean for Meduflex? We will be expanding the team in certain zones to make sure we are able to help cover the needs of the organization based upon the new purpose and scope identified

9 RMC Office Updates: PLEASE try to give respect to the RMC staffing office while they give report, and not come into the office or call between 7a-730a, and unless it’s a critical need The RMC will be moving towards the end of the month. New location will be announced when we move Sign up for texting feature for Smart Square Denise Dopson is working on a project so we need everyone to sign up for the texting feature if you have unlimited texting Please pick up tip sheet and get signed up!

10 Approving Timecards

11 Our Shared Governance Members
Nathan Snider, Chair Marydele Tennent, Chair-Elect

12 Our Members, cont. Amirah Kinlaw Cathy Evangelista

13 Our Members, cont. Michael Miller Ivory Williams

14 Our Members, cont. Martha Greene Alex Nista Twana Smith

15 Shared Governance Updates:
T-Shirts! T-shirts are here so if you have not picked up, we have the remaining shirts here Our team made around $400 on the t-shirt sales! We will have another t-shirt order coming next month Holiday Party: We are in the beginning stages of planning, please send Nathan Snider an s if you have any suggestions New Meduflex Awards: We will begin recognizing a care team member each month All recognized care team members will be put in a drawing for a larger award quarterly

16 Shared Governance Updates, cont.
We are in need of 2 additional RNs to join Shared Governance Meeting are the 3rd Tuesday of every month from 8a-12p at Community Training Center RNs are needed from Adult Med Surg and IOP PROJECTS: Increase Certification Jamie Keigans Reward and Recognition Nathan Snider Infection Control Audits Cathy Evangelista Bereavement trays Michael Miller and Ivory Williams

17 Education Reminders Renewals(BLS, ACLS, etc.) do not require an education leave form If you have expired on any of the required certifications or licensures (i.e. BLS, TB, PPD) you will be taken off the schedule immediately If not received within 15 days, you can be terminated Education: If you are wanting to take additional courses/classes that are not required for your job, these must be approved by Jennifer or Brittany We have a new NPD Generalist Julia Johnson (replacing Linda) She will be working with Meduflex new hires Tuition reimbursement Need receipt for payment form with name included and course

18 Dr. Cawley’s Key Messages:

19 Dr. Cawley’s Key Messages, cont.:

20 Hospital Initiatives Falls with injury Press Gainey Surveys
Each unit will be working towards decreasing the amount of falls with injury HWE and EPP working on an incentive for decreasing these numbers Press Gainey Surveys Courtesy and respect Patient score us on this with each visit Make sure you are showing families and patients courtesy and respect at all times

21 Just Culture PSI’s: Staffing Safety Medication Lab specimen Labeling
Mothers Milk Blood administration Wasting practices Just Culture: Duty to Avoid Causing Unjustifiable Risk or Harm Duty to Follow a Procedural Rule Duty to Produce an Outcome

22 Miscellaneous/Other Items to Discuss:
We will be asking anyone who does not have TACT and floats to the ED to take a 4 hr class from Theresa Smith on de-escalation techniques PCT zones: Peds, adults, combination zones TA coverage in ED Tele-sitter Initiative Communication Presentation Progressive zones Short term contracts How we fill, tier agreement fulfillment during short term contract, etc. Refusing to go to unit and walking out because not happy

23 When to call Jennifer/Brittany after hours:
Please make sure you are not calling Jennifer and Brittany for non emergent issues We are always here to help but please make sure if you call/page/text after hours it is for an emergency. Example: I need to change my schedule, should I call/text Jennifer at 9pm about it? No, call or the RMC! Example: I am not feeling safe on the unit I am working on, and have spoken with the CSL and the HSC already and still need support, should I call/text Jennifer about it? Yes! After hours the Hospital Supervisor are the covering leaders so they should be your point of contact

24 Stoplight Report Creation of 24hr staffing office (RMC)
Planning stages for SuccessFactors 2017 SmartSquare roll out Holiday/Disaster Coverage Meduflex T-shirts Mid year reviews Defined the purpose and scope of Meduflex Progressive Zones Shared Governance Employee recognition Cross training Rounding on you all on the units Annual Evaluations RMC moving/Jennifer, Brittany, Paula, Ramona and RMC all in one space together!

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