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DNA Sequencing Techniques

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1 DNA Sequencing Techniques

2 DNA Sequencing Methods (1977)
Alan Maxam and Walter Gilbert Chemical protocol Fred Sanger Enzymatic procedures Chain termination Dideoxynucleotide method

3 Dideoxynucleotide Human-made molecule (Figure 5.14) dideoxynucleotide
If a dideoxynucleotide is incorporated at the end of the growing chain, DNA synthesis stops. (Figures 5.15 & 5.16)

4 Chain Termination by Dideoxynucleotide

5 Chain Termination Sequencing Procedure
Annealing a primer (17- to 24-mer) to the ss DNA Partition into 4 tubes Tube 1: ddATP, dNTP, DNA pol Tube 2: ddCTP, dNTP, DNA pol Tube 3: ddGTP, dNTP, DNA pol Tube 4: ddTTP, dNTP, DNA pol (--- One of dNTP is radiolabeled.) The reactions are stopped by formamide Poly acrylamide gel electrophoresis Autoradiograph Sequence determination (Figure 5.18) About 250 to 350 bands can be resolved clearly.

6 Chain Terminator Sequencing

7 Automated DNA Sequencing
Labeling ddNTPs with four different fluorescence dyes 4-color, 1-lane detection Run samples in one lane of polyacrylamide or polymer-filled capillary tube Labeling with one fluorescence dye Labeling primer Labeling ddNTP 1-color, 4-lane detection Detection of the fluorescence by an argon ion laser beam at the bottom of the electrophoretic matrix Automated sequencing systems can read with high accuracy about 500 bases per run. Under optimal conditions, one instrument can resolve about 20,000 bases per hour.

8 Automated DNA Sequencing

9 Using Bacteriophage M13 as a DNA Sequencing Vector
ss circular DNA (+ strand) dsDNA replicative form after infection Release of phage containing ssDNA without cell lysis M13 as a cloning vector dsDNA replicative form : handled as a plasmid ssDNA : used as a template for sequencing

10 Use of bacteriophage M13 as a cloning and DNA sequencing vector

11 Sequencing of Large DNA
Primer walking Designing serial sequencing primers based on the previous sequence data

12 PCR

13 PCR: Polymerase Chain Reaction
Amplification of a specific DNA fragment Kary Mullis Invented PCR in 1983 Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1993



16 Essential Components for PCR
two primers (~20 nucleotides each) DNA template (100 to ~35,000 bp) Thermostable DNA polymerase ~ Taq DNA polymerase (Thermus aquatics) dNTP Three Steps Denaturation ~ at 95oC for 1 min Renaturation (annealing) ~ slowly cooled to ~55oC Synthesis (extension) ~ raised to ~75oC (optimum temperature for Taq DNA polymerase rxn)





21 Gene Synthesis by PCR


23 Cycle Sequencing PCR-based generation of ddNTP terminated fragment
Using single primer  linear amplification (rather than exponential amplification)

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