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We have 111 Panther Paws and 5,500 Positive Dojos!

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Presentation on theme: "We have 111 Panther Paws and 5,500 Positive Dojos!"— Presentation transcript:

1 We have 111 Panther Paws and 5,500 Positive Dojos!
Our Week In Mr. Graupner’s Class 5/13/16 We have 111 Panther Paws and 5,500 Positive Dojos! Reading: This week we read Ghost Towns and practiced making generalizations. Math: In math, we have been working on multiplying/dividing fractions and graphs, measurement, and geometry. Social Studies: This week we learned about the three branches of government. Language Arts: In writing, we have been working on our informative pieces for our portfolio. We have also been learning more Latin Roots. The time for KPREP testing is almost upon us!  The testing window will be from May 19-May 25.  We want to provide some extra brainpower those days, so we are asking that you donate snacks for the class.  Some of the snack requests may be odd, but we are using them as extra motivation for the students!  Below are a few things that we would love to have donated. If you are able to contribute, please try to get the items to the classroom by May 18th. Thank you so much for your help! List of items (feel free to contribute another snack of your choice that is individually wrapped) - Nerds (candy) - Goldfish snack crackers - Hershey Kisses - Smarties (candy) - Soft peppermints - Pretzels - Granola Bars - Fruit Snacks - Individual Bags of Chips Rice Krispy Treats Thank you! Mr. Graupner and Breanna 5/16 Celebration of Excellence 5/17 NO SCHOOL Autism Walk/Run and Concert 5PM 5/19-5/25 KPREP 5/26 Science Fair 5/30 NO SCHOOL 6/1 Last day for Students Our window for state mandated testing will be May 19th-May 25th. Please go ahead and put those dates on your calendar. Thank you! Please return the America the Story of Us permission forms as soon as possible.

2 Autism Walk/Run and Concert- Kindergarten Service Project
Plano Elementary Kindergarten presents an Autism Awareness event to benefit the Kelly Autism Program (KAP) at WKU. What: Students and parents are encouraged to walk twice around Plano’s track to show support for Autism Awareness. Afterwards there will be a concert with an opening act by a regional band, Black Gold, playing classic rock followed by The Vivation. The Vivation is a rock band with 3 Plano teachers in it (Mr. Woodworth, Mr. Trogden, and Mrs. EK Smith). We will be asking for donations to support KAP. Mr. Woodworth’s sons each have an Autism Spectrum Disorder. His older son attends KAP and loves it. He has learned many valuable social skills through this wonderful program. KAP teaches children with autism social skills, provides activities, and it assists older children that are transitioning to college or the workplace. Donations will be accepted at the Walk/Concert and will proceeds will go straight to KAP. For more information about the Kelly Autism Program: How: How can you help? Just by being there and walking with us to show support for those with Autism. When: Friday May 20, Walk/Run begins promptly at 5:00 p.m. The concert will begin after the walk/run. Where: Outside at Plano Elementary. If it rains we will still hold the event but in Plano’s Gym. Who: “Black Gold” and Plano’s own, “The Vivation” Cost: Free; donations are accepted Seating: Bring lawn chairs and blankets. Sound to be provided by The Vivation. We hope to get donations from local businesses of bottled water, a concert stage, an inflatable, and possibly a food truck. Parents: If you have anything you would like to donate to make the event more successful or can get a business to donate something, let your Kindergarten teacher know.

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