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AFSCME Local Union Leadership Academy Outcomes

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1 AFSCME Local Union Leadership Academy Outcomes
Presentation to UALE March 2010

2 Local Union Leadership Academy Goals
KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS: to enhance local officers’ knowledge of and ability to carry out their duties and responsibilities. GOAL SETTING: to increase the capacity of participating locals by increasing member participation and establishing a practice of goal setting and action planning. TEAM BUILDING: to work together as a local union leadership team and identify a “field project” to implement after the training. Although the curriculum will be slightly different in each state/affiliate, the goals should remain the same, as above.

3 LULA Participation

4 LULA Survey Respondents Conducted Early September 2009
Over 200 total respondents, out of a total of 1700 graduates in September of 2009.

5 On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 highest, how would you rate LULA as a training program?

6 How useful was the training in helping you carry out your executive board duties and responsibilities?

7 How valuable is it to have multiple executive boards participate together in LULA?

8 What is the focus of your post training project?

9 Have there been any changes in your Local Union's behavior or performances as a result of your participation in LULA?

10 What is the most important learning that you gained from the LULA?
Team building: importance of team work; how to work together as a group; delegation (x26) (“More hands make for lighter work.” “It takes the board collectively to run effectively.”) Importance of communication; how to communicate more effectively (x20) Intro to the Member Action Team/importance of MAT/skills to create MAT/internal organizing (x17)

11 Most important learning….
How a board should operate; responsibilities of board; constitutional duties (x12) How to increase membership involvement and participation (x12) Importance of and how to do strategic planning: “set goals, implement, check, correct, keep moving forward” (x11) How to plan and conduct a productive meeting; Robert’s Rules (x10) How other locals do things; exchange of ideas; interaction with other locals (x10)

12 Some Gems We have an awesome e-board, but sometimes we are a little unfocused. The goal charts really helped! Every member of the e-board who attended the training has stepped up their participation in making goals become realities. It used to be just our president made things happen. Now we all do. We left with a real plan. We are all on the same page and that is making us all work harder now! It takes popularity to get you elected but it takes brains to do the job.

13 And some negative learnings….
We don’t see things through/there was no follow up. (x2) It is hard to get people to do anything. The IU is pushing for new members and dues to throw money at politicians. Our board was there for dinner. We have more work to do. There is little cooperative work/effort between locals. We lack a good foundation. Our board doesn’t function as well as we thought. Our council leaders need consciousness training on how to relate to women.

14 Please describe one specific change:
More people are active/participating (21) Better meetings - more civil, orderly, efficient, shorter, better attended (21) We are working as a team toward common goals (15) We are more focused, proactive, organized (13) We are creating/using the MAT (10)

15 Please describe one specific change:
E-board members are more assertive, involved, sharing the load (8) Communication has improved (6) It recharged/energized us (5) Our membership has grown (4) Things have gotten worse (4) New website (2)

16 More Gems We are looking at new members different and making sure they get welcomed right away. I think our local found there was problems in communicating to each other. This has changed with the members who have been around longer starting to accept some of the ideas of those who are new. We instituted a version of the MAT program that was designed to get two way communication between members and leaders with a focus on CBA negotiations. It made a big difference in the degree of engagement of our members and … helped achieve a very good agreement.

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