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An Early Career in oil & gas

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Presentation on theme: "An Early Career in oil & gas"— Presentation transcript:

1 An Early Career in oil & gas
Estelle Patrick

2 Agenda Introduction My career Hints & Tips

3 Oil and Gas Future?

4 Oil and Gas Disciplines
Exploration geology Development geology Unconventionals Biostratigraphy Geochemistry Geophysics Sedimentology Structural Finance Marketing So if you were interested which discipline do you want to go into? Do you pursue a job, M.Sci, M.Sc, PhD? Image courtesy of Fugro

5 Oil and Gas Companies Multi-nationals Independents Service companies
Do you stay in a geoscience discipline? Do you pursue a job, M.Sci, M.Sc Ph.D?

6 2004- 2008 2008- 2011 2011- 2012 2012-Present

7 University of Birmingham
Carbon Capture and Storage Estelle Patrick University of Birmingham Did all the usual things – field trips but all for me my career all started with an interesting dissertation topic…

8 University of Birmingham
Distribution of strain in the subsurface, using data from the Wessex Basin Estelle Patrick University of Birmingham Also invloved in LAPSOC and worked in the Lapworth Museum curating various artefacts in there.

9 Neftex Petroleum Consultants
2008 2009 2010 2011 Unconventionals Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) Conferences: AAPG –San Antonio ICGH – Vancouver Africa Conference Regional Teams: North America Arctic North Africa Black Sea, Greater Caspian Former Soviet Union Joined in 2008; research skills and learnt about different software packages, wireline interpretation, sequence stratigprahy, field trip – French Alps,

10 Neftex Petroleum Consultants

11 Neftex Petroleum Consultants
Regional Team, gathered data, interpreted publically available wireline data, use ARC Gis to produce map – able to incorporate unconventionals into existing products

12 Imperial College, London
Identification and Quantification of High-permeability Streaks In the Simian Gas Field, WDDM Concession, offshore Nile Delta Estelle Patrick IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON State depth of core and that it is only a fraction/sample of the total depth of the canyon


14 BG Group – IGDP 2012 China USA Ops E.Africa
Who is BG? Large independent primarily gas company.

15 Other activities GeolSoc/PESGB/AAPG BG Energy challenge STEM ECPN
Over the years and present

16 Do something you are interested in
Follow what interests you and what catches your eye/imagination Conferences Societies Network

17 Utilise all available resources
Careers fairs; talks Societies – companies who sponsor will advertise Recruitment consultants Send out letters Newspaper adverts Take note of deadlines Social networks

18 Know your geology Know your rocks and how to describe them
Practise descriptive skills Know your dissertation/research Be aware of the geology around you

19 PESGB www. pesgb. org. uk AAPG http://europe. aapg
PESGB AAPG Geological Society STEM

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