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Emprical Evaluation in Informatics

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1 Emprical Evaluation in Informatics
Evaluation of the survey „productivity when programming“ by Philipp Kalmbach, Christian Behnert and Matthias Niemann

2 Research question Hypothesis: there are factors that in- or decrease productivity when programming Target: finding these factors Questions about: Occupation and time Environment Interruptions Factors that influence productivity Empirical Evaluation in Informatics, Project, Group 3

3 Correlations (1) If it is noisy, you are interrupted more often, too.
Empirical Evaluation in Informatics, Project, Group 3

4 Correlations (2) People working late at night getting less disturbed by noise. 6 a.m a.m 10 a.m. - 2 p.m 2 p.m. - 6 p.m 6 p.m p.m 10 p.m. - 2 a.m 2 a.m. - 6 a.m Empirical Evaluation in Informatics, Project, Group 3

5 Correlations (3) People who aren't alone at their workplace are more often disturbed by noise than people working alone. Empirical Evaluation in Informatics, Project, Group 3

6 Summary The following factors were determined:
Number of people working in the same room Noise level Internal validity: Subjectively answered questions You can't say whether you're more productive if... External validity: Target group: students doing their homework or having a side job Less than 9% working more than 30 hours per week Empirical Evaluation in Informatics, Project, Group 3

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