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SimMan Improvements Dr. Matt Weinger, MD Ray Booker Advisors:

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Presentation on theme: "SimMan Improvements Dr. Matt Weinger, MD Ray Booker Advisors:"— Presentation transcript:

1 SimMan Improvements Dr. Matt Weinger, MD Ray Booker Advisors:
Group Members: Robert Amponsah (EECE) Bobby Gibbons (BME) Brandon Miller (BME) Evans Mize (BME) Daniel Schuler (BME/EECE)

2 Project Description SimMan Training simulator Mid fidelity
Lacks aspects of patient response

3 Improvements Three areas to improve: Electric stimulation and seizure
Central Line placement Lung compliance

4 Goals Increased realism Increased capability Improved training quality
Reduced cost vs. METI implementation

5 Central Line Placement
Two placement locations Subclavian Neck Converge to Superior Vena Cava

6 SimMan Design Subclavian and Neck Paths Exit through pelvis and table
Collection Bucket beneath table

7 Materials Surgical tubing (soft) Hard plastic tubing
2 and 3 way connection joints Injection ports Blood colored fluid for veins and arteries Drainage value

8 Currently in the Works Determining soft tubing material
Central line man simulator material Conflicting info on diameter of catheter Encasing Soft Tubing with hard tubing to prevent leakage

9 Chest Plate Electronics presents so it can NOT leak. Seal area off
Change tubing in and out of chest plate

10 Electrical Cardioversion Importance
86% that receive cardioversion return to normal sinus rhythm 94% that receive medication before the cardioversion return to normal sinus rhythm Normal sinus rhythm required to be judged stable enough for surgery

11 Two current Plans Pneumatic Device to create necessary impulse by large air potential Costly but effective but possible size issues Usage if SimMan can be demobilized Mechanical Device using industrial strength spring and interlocked cylinder with lock and electrical release mechanism Low cost but not available in necessary size

12 Pneumatic Actuator Parts
Tanks & Gauge Pressure Switch Relief Valve Plug Valve Pressure

13 Additional Items Additional Filters, Regulators, and Possibly Lubricator to maintain low ware Actuator reliant upon regulator and valves Filter Regulator

14 Actuator under Consideration
Single Ended-Spring Return 1’’ bore at 100psi yields 314 lbs of force (πr^2) SimMan weighs ~ 50 lbs Pressure-Resistance depletes strength

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