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Presented at Archives Records 2016, session 510

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1 Presented at Archives Records 2016, session 510
The Fancy Finding Aid Presented at Archives Records 2016, session 510 “Out of the Box Finding Aids: Design and Development for Contemporary Research” @AllisonJaiODell Metadata Librarian, George A. Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida

2 It’s time to revisit those finding aids.
EAD3 HTML5 Responsive design RDF & linked data Digitization initiatives It’s Users expect more.

3 Mobile-friendly, mobile-fun
Demo: Built with HTML5 UP! responsive site templates

4 Visual Content Built with Swipebox, a touch-able jQuery lightbox
Demo: Details: Built with Swipebox, a touch-able jQuery lightbox

5 Circulation Management
Demo: Details: Built with simpleCart.js, an e- commerce shopping cart that integrates with existing mark-up

6 RDFa Demo
<div vocab=" <div typeof="Collection"> <span property="name"><xsl:value-of select="ead/archdesc/did/unittitle"/>, <xsl:value-of select="ead/archdesc/did/unitdate"/></span> <span property="description"><xsl:value-of select="ead/archdesc/did/abstract"/></span> <xsl:for-each select="ead/archdesc/scopecontent/p"><span property="description"><xsl:value-of select="."/></span><br/></xsl:for- each> <xsl:for-each select="ead/archdesc/controlaccess/subject"><span property="about"><xsl:value-of select="."/></span><br/></xsl:for-each> <span property="inLanguage"><xsl:value-of select="langmaterial/language"/></span> <span property="creator"><xsl:value-of select="ead/archdesc/did/origination/persname"/></span> <div class="item_name"><item property="hasPart"><xsl:value-of select="unittitle"/>, <xsl:value-of select="unitdate"/></item></div> </div> Demo

7 Questions? @AllisonJaiODell

8 Presented at Archives Records 2016, session 510
Finding aid-ld Presented at Archives Records 2016, session 510 “Out of the Box Finding Aids: Design and Development for Contemporary Research” @jacob_shelby421 Metadata Technologies Librarian, NCSU Libraries

9 Current Structure of Archival Data
The archive world deals in hierarchy Current practice is with EAD/XML @jacob_shelby421

10 Archival Data as Linked Data
Linked data hierarchy comes from linking + things @jacob_shelby421

11 Data Dump Large, zipped file of a provider's full dataset
Use-case: User wants to download full dataset Example: DBpedia data dump Image from DPLA bulk download @jacob_shelby421

12 Triplestore and SPARQL
Triplestore is a database for linked data SPARQL is the query language for RDF Use-case: Researcher wants to run complex, semantic querying of the data Example: DBpedia SPARQL endpoint Image courtesy of nora/sskizo under a CC BY-NC-ND license @jacob_shelby421

13 Subject Pages Creation of a document for each resource (similar to a traditional metadata record) Content negotiation URI redirects to human or machine readable file based on HTTP ACCEPT Use-case: User wants to dereference a URI and discover new knowledge by browsing links Example: DBpedia subject page for Christopher Lee @jacob_shelby421

14 and Embedded Metadata
Embedding linked data into web pages Different flavor of subject pages Use-case: Content provider wants their metadata searchable on the open web Big Engines (ex. Google) will grab and index the embedded metadata Example: Introduction to Structured Data @jacob_shelby421

15 Current Initiatives EAC-CPF ontology SNAC
Zepheira + Atlas Systems linked data endeavors EAC-CPF Not actively being developed? Trove at the National Library of Australia uses it eScholarship Research Centre at University of Melbourne apparently uses it as well Social Networks and Archival Context Extracts, merges, and creates EAC-CPF/XML records for Corporate Bodies, Persons, and Families One of the Forthcoming Features is to “Expose serializations of EAC-CPF graph data as RDF and GraphML” Gloria Zepheira has been working on archival linked data projects. Is Gloria in the audience? Could you briefly speak about what you’re doing? @jacob_shelby421

16 Benefits Turns document into things. Facilitates complex querying of people, places, boxes, folders, collections, etc. Modular data - can be published and presented in a multitude of ways Strong framework for linking to and among resources; ability to link archival data across institutions Straightens out "complex reality” @jacob_shelby421

17 Challenges Requires stable URIs Can be resource intensive and costly
Example: SPARQL endpoint Example: creating and maintaining stable URIs To take full advantage of linked data, the archive community would need to re- design EAD or create a new, possibly supplemental data model, since EAD is married with XML @jacob_shelby421

18 Things You Can Do Now Use (inter)national authorities and identifiers whenever possible Make your data clean and consistent Publish data for collection-level descriptions Experiment!

19 Questions? @jacob_shelby421

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