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International Space Station

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Presentation on theme: "International Space Station"— Presentation transcript:

1 International Space Station
If you volunteer to go on the international space station you will be on it for 356 days. her is a pitcher of an international space station.

2 Wifi In the internationa space staion there is no wifi so they can not use there phones to connect with Earth.

3 What is the international space station?
The international space station is a large spacecraft .It orbits around Earth .IT is a home for astronauts live. The space station’s orils is about 220 miles above Earth.

4 How do the astronauts communicate whit Earth.
Sound cannot travel through the light and others forms of electromagnetic radiation can.

5 Triks astronauts use to survivi
They compaced there towls and when they need to use the shower they pull the towl apart .

6 Who made the internashl space stachon.
Back in 2014, Made In Space sent their first small, experimental printer up to the ISS. Since then, they've tweaked their design to print a wider variety of hardware and with more materials (30 at last count, though only three types of plastic will go up today). Now, NASA and the US National Laboratory will use the updated Additive Manufacturing Facility to print aerospace grade goods on-station



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