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The Early Battles Chapter 21 Section 2.

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1 The Early Battles Chapter 21 Section 2

2 Main idea The Japanese continued to win victories in the Pacific until the Battle of Midway

3 Holding the line against japan
General Douglas MacArthur commanded American and Filipino forces Forced to retreat from Japanese to Bataan Peninsula Roosevelt ordered MacArthur to retreat himself and family to Australia 78,000 POW’s forced to march – sick, exhausted, and starving - 65 miles to Japanese prison camp – known as “Bataan Death March”

4 Battle of Midway Americans had cracked code of Japanese, helping to know about plans to attack Midway Island Antiaircraft fire met Japanese; 38 planes shot down Major turning point for the U.S.; Japan lost 4 large carriers Americans killed – 362; Japanese killed – 3,057

5 Stalingrad Hitler’s strategy was to wound Soviet economy by capturing oil fields, factories, farmland in southern Russia and Ukraine Hitler saw Stalingrad as key to victory Half a million troops lost on both sides (Germany & USSR) Germans would be on defensive rest of war after Stalingrad

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