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Parent Information Evening

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1 Parent Information Evening

2 Parent Information Evening
Values Partnership / Independent Learning The curriculum Personal Development School Website / parentpay Attendance E-safety Rewards/Behaviour Attitude to Learning Assessment and Reporting INSIGHT


4 Partnership

5 Student Parent School

6 Independent learning Essential to your child’s success.
Contributes significantly to progress

7 Curriculum Aims Successful Learners Confident Individuals
Responsible Citizens

8 Trips History PE Clubs English Maths Science RE French German
Geography Computing Product design Food Technology Textiles Art Drama Music PE Movement RE Personal Development Reading Trips Clubs Independent Learning

9 Accelerated Reader Accuracy 20 minutes a day Tests comprehension
You can be involved – please.

10 Personal Development UNCRC Personal Development Curriculum
Personal Development Days


12 90% Attendance Equates to: 4 weeks a year missed
Over 5 Years that’s half a year missed One grade lower in each GCSE

13 Website

14 PARENTPAY Parent Pay is the preferred method of payment for items such as school meals, trips etc. Login and password already issued with the vast majority of parents already making use of this facility More information about Parent Pay on the school website.

15 E safety

16 Rewards Praise points and Positive Referrals Headteacher commendations
Merits Roll of Honour ‘Points’

17 Detentions ALNS use detentions as a strategy to help instil school expectation in regard to behaviour, safety and attitudes to learning. Study support detention 20 mins after school Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. Subject detentions 45 mins after school Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. Curriculum Leader detention 60 mins on Monday or Wednesday Key Stage Leader detention 90 mins on a Thursday Headteacher detention 120 mins on a Friday

18 Attitude to Learning

19 Assessment Ongoing Formative Summative GCSE’s

20 New GCSE’s New grades 1 to 9 instead of G to A*
New GCSEs that are ‘bigger’ and require more content Mostly 100% exam all at the end of Year 11

21 Subject Target AOB Attitude to Learning 6 B O A 5 7 C
December Grade Sheet 2015 Subject Target AOB Attitude to Learning English 6 B Mathematics O A Science Languages 5 Design 7 Computing Drama Music C Art PE History Geography

22 Insight







29 Thank you for coming this evening

30 Homework Reading Attendance You

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