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Self-Evaluation for Self-Improvement

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Presentation on theme: "Self-Evaluation for Self-Improvement"— Presentation transcript:

1 Self-Evaluation for Self-Improvement
How Good Is Our Early Learning and Childcare? Sandra Kehoe - HM Inspector

2 Inspection messages Early learning and childcare inspections tell us :
The quality of early learning and childcare settings is variable within and across local authorities. This is an internal page in blue and can be duplicated to create additional pages. Always keep the heading and footer as shown. Use the corresponding blue internal and back pages if you are using this page.

3 Inspection messages Early learning and childcare inspections tell us:
Strengths in relation to children’s engagement and motivation for learning continue to be identified through the inspection of early learning and childcare settings. Relationships are strong across settings.

4 Inspection messages Improving picture for: Leadership
Parental involvement Curriculum development Ethos, culture and values Learning outdoors

5 Early learning and childcare inspections tell us :
Inspection messages Early learning and childcare inspections tell us : Curriculum (understanding and implementation), self-evaluation, tracking and progression and ‘children knowing themselves as learners’ continue to be key areas for improvement and development.

6 Using the QIs to measure improvement and using the QIs to effect improvement

7 Effecting improvement
Within HGIOS?4 appendix 1 gives an example of a Toolkit

8 Evidence of improvement?
We have changed our environment for children under 3 to include more natural and open-ended resources We have worked really hard as a staff team to re-organise the resources so that children can access them more easily. We have bought waterproof suits for children when outdoors.

9 How good are we now? As a result of the resources being re-organised in the playroom, children are readily making choices. They confidently take responsibility for their learning and are able to follow their interests by selecting the appropriate resources to help them in their task. We have worked really hard as a staff team to re-organise the resources so that children can access them more easily. Moving away from descriptive to be more evaluative.

10 Sophisticated approach to improvement
What difference are we making? Who are we learning from? 21st century learners – ahead of the curve

11 How good is the quality of the care and learning we offer?
Let’s focus on pedagogy and play So now we are going to take a wee bit of time to consider how we look inwards, outwards and forwards. Let’s focus on pedagogy and play as this threads through the three categories of HGIOELC. You can choose how you want to do this - one large group, smaller groups - short exercise either you can have a go at completing it or you might just want to discuss the materials and how you might use them or not or adapt to suit your own setting. Just an idea to prompt thoughts and discussion. There is workshop materials on your table. Take about 15 minutes.

12 How good is the quality of the care and learning we offer?
Workshop - pedagogy and play In pairs or small groups look at the sheet with themes/descriptors identified that mention pedagogy and play. Consider how you might use the quality indicators and themes to look inwards, outwards and forwards in relation to pedagogy and play. This workshop was not about you adding another piece of paper to your self-evaluation folder, as I said before it can be in different places to demonstrate that SE is an ongoing process that is embedded in practice. I have seen big books of improvement, displays, minutes, voting tubs. Dry wipe boards - Various ways. Most importantly it is about having a system that is manageable and works for your setting that answers the key questions.– Local authorities do have their own paperwork but that is normally only one part of SE -what about the everyday/ongoing stuff. I often talk about hearing and seeing self-evaluation. FINAL SLIDE

13 Self-evaluation for self-improvement

14 New inspection model from
August 2016

15 Inspection Purpose of inspection
provide assurance to users on the quality of education promote improvement provide evidence to inform national policy development

16 New model Standalone settings Tuesday morning
Self-evaluation discussion Tuesday – Thursday morning Inspection activities Friday morning Sharing of findings Sharing of findings may be shared on a Thursday afternoon but the model is that we can take it into the Friday. You will be kept informed throughout the week.

17 New model Primary school with nursery class Monday lunchtime
Team meeting; self-evaluation discussion; inspection activities Monday pm – Thursday morning Inspection activities Thursday afternoon Detailed sharing of findings for ELC Friday morning Sharing of findings – whole school

18 New model ‘Set’ QIs 1.3 – Leadership of change
2.3 – Learning, teaching and assessment 3.1 – Ensuring wellbeing, equality and inclusion 3.2 – Securing children’s progress ‘Choice’ Quality indicator Agreed between the managing inspector and the setting;

19 New model Themes Curriculum 2.2: Learning and development pathways
Partnerships 2.7: Impact on children and families Safeguarding and child protection

20 New model Summarised inspection findings (SIF) Revised letter
Continued engagement

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