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Elements of Fraud Investigation

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1 Elements of Fraud Investigation
By the Richmond City Auditor’s Office

2 Who Are We? The Office of Inspector General Staff Authority

3 Tools Fraud Hotline - Designated telephone line with no caller ID that accepts complaints. Interactive Website – Allows Auditor/Investigator to communicate with complainant. Smart Phone App – Allows citizens to file complaint and take picture/Video and send to Auditor/Investigator.

4 Why Prosecute? Punishment of the offender
Deterrence of misconduct by others Building respect for the law and creating a fair and equitable environment The nature and seriousness of the misconduct and the harm caused

5 Factors to Consider Criminal intent must be present
The size of the loss involved whether the loss stems from multiple events or by an isolated incident Strength of the case The Department’s objective of achieving general deterrence

6 Phases of an investigation
Validation of Complaint Evidence gathering Interviews/Interrogations Testifying Report

7 Preservation of Evidence
Obtain original documents Make working copies for review keep original documents segregated Do not touch original documents more than necessary Maintain good filing system

8 Preservation of Evidence
What is Chain of Custody? Best way to handle this is by memorandum What items were received When they were received From whom they were received Where are they maintained If records must be turned over to someone else, a record should be made

9 Interviews/Interrogations (cont.)
Types of Questions Open Closed Leading Allow interviewee to talk Closing Questions Why should note taking be at a minimum? Should you write Down a list of Interview questions?

10 Interviews/Interrogations
Miranda Warnings What is it? When is it Required? Garrity Warnings Recording Interviews What are the Rules in your state?

11 Integrity Make sure to maintain how many s were not read in each of the folders Be careful when reviewing s because you may change weather the document were read by the individual

12 Prepare Referral to the Prosecutors
Get prosecutor’s input Thoroughly document/ detailed case notes Prepare a summary of all case notes Walk the prosecutors through your documentation and evidence Resolve the issues raised by the prosecutor

13 Questions

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