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Lesson 3 The supermarket

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1 Lesson 3 The supermarket
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to 1. summarize the tips about shopping; 2. recognize the structure of the infinitive and summarize the use of it

2 Task 2 Discuss in pairs □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Pick the best supermarket.
Don’t shop when you’re hungry. Foods are on sale. Pick a large supermarket. Choose a time. Choose a place. Make a shopping list. Shop during off-peak time.

3 Task 3 Read and answer Today more and more people like to shop in the supermarket. When you go though the aisles in the supermarket, you will probably listen to soft, slow music. This makes you relax, and you may spend a lot of money on the groceries. Many people go to the supermarket in order to buy food. Before you push a shopping cart, you should check out these tips for smart supermarket shopping. Choosing a time and a place for shopping can help you shop more smartly. Here are some thoughts on when and where to shop: Don’t shop when you’re hungry; pick the best supermarket for you; shop during off-peak time.

4 Task 3 Read and answer There are thousands of foods to choose from in a supermarket, so it’s easy to forget something you really need. It can save you time if you make a list in the store. By making a list, you will: have a plan of what you’re going to buy avoid going back to the supermarket for something forgotten avoid buying something on impulse not buy food that isn’t on the list But even with a list, you need to make some decisions at the supermarket.

5 Language Points 1. make you relax: make somebody do something:使某人做某事
令你放松 1. make you relax: make somebody do something:使某人做某事 2. spend a lot of money on the groceries: 花很多钱买日用品 spend money on…: 花钱买… 3. check out: 检查,核对;付账后离开

6 Language Points 4. some thoughts on…: 一些关于…的想法 5. make a list: 列一个清单
6. avoid going back: 避免返回 avoid doing something: 避免做某事. 7. on impulse: 冲动地 8. Make some decisions: 做决定

7 Answer the following questions
1. What kind of music will you probably listen to in the supermarket? Please tell the reasons. You will probably listen to soft, slow music. Because this makes you relax, and you can not help spending much money on the groceries. 2. Why do you make a list when you shop in the supermarket? By making a list, you will…

8 Task 4 Read again and fill in blanks
Many people go to supermarkets ____________ food. There are thousands of foods ____________ in the supermarket. This makes you ______. It can save your time _______ a list in the store. You need ________ some decisions at the supermarket. in order to buy to choose from relax if you make to make

9 Task 5 Grammar in focus George
I went to the supermarket ______ some fresh fruit and vegetables. My wife was too busy _____ to the supermarket with me. I shopped myself. Mary I went to the supermarket ________ my T-shirt. It’s too small for me. I left home too late ______ the early bus, so I had to take a taxi. to buy to go to catch to change 表示目的 表示结果

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