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A view of Cordoba from a thousand years ago: The rise and fall of a great scientific center By: Umer Choudhary Asa my name is umer choudhary and the topic.

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Presentation on theme: "A view of Cordoba from a thousand years ago: The rise and fall of a great scientific center By: Umer Choudhary Asa my name is umer choudhary and the topic."— Presentation transcript:

1 A view of Cordoba from a thousand years ago: The rise and fall of a great scientific center
By: Umer Choudhary Asa my name is umer choudhary and the topic i was assigned was view of Cordoba from a thousand years ago: The rise and fall of a great scientific center. 

2 Where is Cordoba? So the first question is where is cordoba?
Cordoba is in Spain and was the center of the umayyad dynasty. Not only did Everything revolve around cordoba it was home to most of the greatest muslim scientists of that time. 

3 Umayyad Dynasty Considered the “Golden age” of Islam
The center of the Umayyad dynasty was in Cordoba In this session I will share with you the scientific advancements made by Cordoba So the umayyad dynasty lasted from 661 to 750 and also was considered a major part of the golden age of Islam due to the many scientific advancements made by muslims.

4 Sciences In medieval Islam, the sciences, which included philosophy, were viewed holistically. In this regard, the most important scientists of Islamic civilization have been the polymaths, known as hakim or sages Their role in the transmission of the sciences was central. Some of the notable fields that they contributed to were Physics, Alchemy, Chemistry, Cosmology, Ophthalmology, Geography, Cartography, Sociology, and Psychology Muslims during that time made many scientific advancements that have been buried forgotten over time. In fact many of the famous european scientists got their ideas from Muslims. Some notable fields Muslims contributed to were as you can see to name a few Physics, Chemistry, Geography, Psychology,…. And the list goes on But now lets move on to our first scientist

5 Al-Zarqali He was an Andalusian artisan, skilled in working sheet metal, who became a famous maker of astronomical equipment, an astronomer, and a mathematician He developed a new design for a highly accurate astrolabe which was used for centuries afterwards Our first scientist we are going to talk about is Al-Zarqali lived from 1028 to 1087 he was an artisan who became famous for making astronomical equipment using his expertise in working sheet metal. He developed a new design for an astrolabe which was used for centuries afterwards. He also constructed a famous water clock in Toledo, Spain that attracted a lot of attention for centuries.

6 Abbas ibn Firnas He was an Andalusian scientist, musician and inventor He developed a clear glass used in drinking vessels, and lenses used for magnification and the improvement of vision. He is most known however, for his attempt at controlled flying Abbas ibn firnas lived from 810 to 887 and he was a scientist , musician, and inventor. he developed clear glass used in drinking vessels and lenses used for magnification and the improvement of vision. An interesting fact is that he had a room in his house where the sky was simulated, including the motion of planets, stars and weather complete with clouds, thunder and lightning. He is most famous for attempting and surviving an attempt at controlled flight.EndFragment

7 Al-Zahrawi He was an Andalusian surgeon who is known to be the greatest surgeon of medieval Islam His most important surviving work is referred to as al-Tasrif (Medical Knowledge) Al-zahrawi lived from 963 to 1013 and was considered the greatest surgeon in medieval IslamHis most important surviving work is referred to as al-Tasrif (Medical Knowledge). It is a 30 volume set discussing medical symptoms, treatments, and mostly pharmacology, but it is the last volume of the set which has attracted the most attention over time. This last volume is a surgical manual describing surgical instruments, supplies and procedures. Scholars studying this manual are discovering references to procedures previously believed to belong to more modern times

8 Al-Idrisi 1100-1166 He was a Moroccan traveler from Ceuta
Most well known for being cartographer and geographer famous for a map of the world he created for Roger, the Norman King of Sicily Also wrote the Book of Roger Lived from 1100 to 1166 was a cartographer and geographer famous for a map of the world he created for Roger, the Norman King of Sicily. al-Idrisi also wrote the Book of Roger, a geographic study of the peoples, climates, resources and industries of all the world known at that time. In it, he incidentally relates the tale of a Moroccan ship blown west in the Atlantic, and returning with tales of faraway lands

9 Fall of the Umayyad Empire
Many different reasons contributing to the fall Mostly infighting between Sunni and shi’a Muslims Ended in a coup d'état which ended up dividing the empire into a series of small kingdoms in 1031 Lack of a true spiritual leader like the Holy Prophet Muhammad saw Despite all these great scientists and inventors the Umayyad empire despite being so strong fell. Many reasons were contributed to the fall but it was mostly infighting between muslims and it was due to the fact that under no divine leader they started losing the importance of their faith. They started moving away from the right path and started losing the link with Allah. Eventually this caused the collapse of the empire which was leter overthrown by Christian crusaders. Muslim influence remained in small parts of southern spain like granada which became the last outpost of islam in spain until the conquest in 1942 by the christians.

10 “Those who remember Allah while standing, sitting, and lying on their sides, and ponder over the creation of the heavens and the earth: “Our Lord, Thou hast not created this in vain; nay, Holy art Thou; save us, then, from the punishment of the Fire.”(3:192) This Quranic verse reminds us that without remebering Allah we are nothing and have no identity and this relates because the ppl of ultimately lost sight of Allah

11 Overview Cordoba was a great Scientific society
If we want to replicate that society in today's world we must not forget Allah Jazakallah So what can we learn from cordoba? It was a great scientific society but ultimately they lost sight of Allah and they became occupied in political and secular ambitions and if we want to replicate that in todays society we must not forget Allah because he is most important.

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