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Assessment and Accountability Monthly Call
October 10, 2017
Agenda Accountability Assessment Administration
Support and Communication
2017-2018 Month-by-Month Checklist
The 2017–2018 Assessment and Accountability Month-by-Month Checklist identifies key dates and deadlines for statewide assessment programs and accountability processes for next school year; provides action steps to ensure readiness for administering statewide assessments; and recommends resources for district and school staff. The checklist includes information on the following areas: Communication and Support Accessibility and Accommodations Assessment Preparation and Administration Accountability Reports The Month-by-Month Checklist is located in the Assessment Library.
October Assessment Checklist
Communication and Support Oct 10: Monthly Assessment and Accountability Call Accountability and Assessment Preparation Oct: DTCs deliver online test security and LEAP 2025 administration training to School Test Coordinators (STCs) and other applicable school and district personnel for fall high school LEAP 2025 Oct: Review retirement/split IDs and make updates to applicable systems (LASID Audit #2) Oct: Ensure accommodations are updated in SIS (504) and SER (IEP) to populate the precoded assessment files Oct 1: NAEP deadline for selected schools to register school via MyNAEP Oct 10: Manage user accounts in eDIRECT for fall high school LEAP 2025 assessments Oct 28: LEAP 2025 Fall 2017 deadline to finalize IEP, IAP, and LEP accommodations prior to fall high school LEAP 2025 administration Oct 3-17: ACT Fall WorkKeys accommodated (paper) testing window Oct 18: Return all ACT WorkKeys accommodations and supports test materials via the pre- scheduled pickup Oct 27: Deadline for ACT to receive ACT WorkKeys answer documents from schools Oct 3-April 13: ACT WorkKeys online testing window
November Assessment Checklist
Communication and Support Nov 7: Monthly Assessment and Accountability Call Accountability and Assessment Preparation Early–Mid Nov: Create test sessions within eDIRECT in preparation for fall high school LEAP 2025 and print student test tickets Nov: Test coordinators ensure that TAs, proctors, and monitors are assigned to testing groups for fall high school LEAP 2025 tests Nov: School test coordinators (STCs) deliver online test security and administration training for fall high school LEAP 2025 Nov: ACT window for schools to agree to terms and conditions in PANext and order accommodations Nov: Utilize scheduling guidance to determine final fall high school LEAP 2025 test schedules prior to setting up sessions in eDIRECT Nov: DTCs receive preliminary ACT Match/No Match list Nov: Deadline for schools to return the AP Participation Form and Participation Survey to the College Board Nov 29: Enter fall high school LEAP 2025 test ticket invalidation into eDIRECT at the end of each week of testing
November Assessment Checklist
Accountability and Assessment Preparation Nov 30: Schools receive ACT WorkKeys individual score reports, summary for examinee, and examinee roster report Nov–Feb: Submit ACT approved accommodations in the TAA System Assessment Administration and Reporting Nov 29–Dec 15: High School LEAP 2025 Fall 2017 test administration window Oct 3-April 13: ACT WorkKeys online testing window
Timeline for Implementing Louisiana’s ESSA State Plan
USDOE approved Louisiana’s ESSA plan on August 15. ESSA requires many provisions to become effective with the start of the school year. Specific timelines are outlined within the plan. The Department will recommend that BESE approve adjustments to state policy (bulletins) to align with the state’s plan and with related state laws recently enacted by the Louisiana Legislature. Key revisions are scheduled to be considered at the October 2017 BESE meeting. Additional updates will be recommended at a later date for items requiring further study and stakeholder engagement, such as the Interests and Opportunities index.
ESSA Policy Updates Policy Updates: Bulletins 111, 118, and 741
Academic achievement expectations (what it takes to earn an “A”) Measure of student progress in ELA and math Phase in of interests and opportunities over time Inclusion of English language proficiency within the SPS formula, as required by ESSA Transition plan that adjusts each index in but allows gradual transition of overall scale (what earns an “A,” “B,” etc.) between now and 2025 Comprehensive and Urgent Intervention Support Comprehensive: Any school rated “D” or “F” in the state accountability system for three consecutive years or with an adjusted cohort graduation rate less than 67 percent in the most recent year Urgent intervention required: Any school demonstrating subgroup performance that is, on its own for that subgroup population, equivalent to what would be an “F” rating for an entire school population for two consecutive years, or any school with an out-of- school suspension rate exceeding double the national average for three consecutive years
2017-2018 Assessment Administration
Technology Readiness
Grades 3-4 Online Testing
Grades 3 and 4 assessments will be administered online for those districts that chose online testing as their delivery mode.
Online Tools Trainings
The following Online Tools Trainings have been updated and are accessible in INSIGHT or clicking here using Google Chrome. English I English II Algebra I Geometry English III ELA Grades 3-8 Math Grades 3-8 Social Studies Grades 3-8 All students should become familiar with the OTT prior to taking any summative or non-summative assessment in the DRC platform.
Online Scheduling Guidance
LDOE updated the Online Scheduling Guidance in the Assessment Library. The guidance allows schools and districts to view best practices for reducing testing time. Districts can decide how long they want their computer-based testing window to be based on the following: Number of devices Internet speeds Number of sessions given in a day The following guidelines for online administration still apply: No more than 3 sessions in a day Extended response sessions should not be given on the same day Sessions within a content area must be given in order
Online Scheduling Guidance
Online Scheduling Guidance
Technology Readiness Tool Reports
The Technology Readiness Tool (TRT) provides LEAs a mechanism for tracking and analyzing school and district devices, network readiness, and broadband readiness for supporting both classroom learning and assessments. The tool is open year-round for LEAs to submit and update their data, as well as pull reports on their progress. Key Dates for TRT Reporting: October: Released draft footprint reports to LEAs with TRT data November: Deadline to submit fall TRT device and network data January: Fall online reports of district/school readiness available within TRT January: Statewide and legislative report of district/school readiness released
Technology Readiness: Footprints
The Technology Footprint Snapshot provides LEAs a mechanism to inform administrative decisions related to upgrades, new purchases, and strategic planning related to device, network and broadband decisions. with questions.
Planning for Technology Support
Districts and schools should have in place a plan for technology support leading up to and during the testing window. Technology support plans should include: Setting up the Testing Site Manager (TSM) Installing INSIGHT on all testing devices Ensuring that all testing rooms have the appropriate equipment Communication streams for issues identified before and during testing (e.g., point of contact for test administrators, tiered support) Plans for communicating the technology support plan to other stakeholders including (test administrators, coordinators, and others)
Technology Specifications
The Technology Requirements for 2017 document has been updated to include: TSM Requirements ELPT device specifications ELPT headset specifications and discounted pricing information
Test Security
Caveon Test Security Services
In order to help districts and schools improve test security, the LDOE has negotiated an agreement with Caveon, the nation’s leading test security experts, to provide the following services: Monitoring Provides two Caveon monitors on campus on one day of testing Provides districts with accurate information of every testing room at the school Investigations Provides districts with professional investigators to investigate and report on any testing irregularity that occurred in the district. Training Provides districts with active online training modules created by Caveon A full explanation of the services and the fee schedules can be found here. Districts and schools can purchase these services by contacting Caveon directly.
Caveon Core LEAs utilizing Caveon will receive access to Caveon Core. Caveon Core allows DTCs to track the findings of the Caveon monitors in real time. Caveon Core is the only way for DTCs to receive real time monitor feedback.
Violations of Test Security: Related Policy
Violations of test security are defined in Bulletin 118 and include: Administering tests in a manner that that would give examinees an unfair advantage or disadvantage Giving examinees access to test questions prior to testing Examining any test item at any time (except for providing certain accommodations) At any time reproducing or discussing all or part of any secure materials Coach or interfering examinees in any manner during testing Altering or interfering with examinees’ responses in any manner Administering previously administered or current forms of any statewide assessment Failing to account for and secure test materials Conducting testing in alternate environments without approval Failing to report any testing irregularities Participating in, encouraging, or failing to report any violation Violations of test security can result in the revocation of a teaching or leadership certificate as defined in Bulletin 746.
Testing Irregularities: Definition and Reporting
A testing irregularity is any incident in test handling or administration that leads to a question regarding the security of the test or the accuracy of the test data. Process for reporting: All testing irregularities must be reported in writing to the School Test Coordinator, who must then send the written reports to the District Test Coordinator. Districts may only send the following information to LDOE Louisiana Secure ID First letter of first name First three letters of last name Birth date only (excluding birth month and birth year)t Administrat
Access: Definition and Processes
Access is defined as handling the materials, reading, reviewing, or analyzing test items or student responses, either before, during, or after testing except where providing approved accommodations. Processes for limiting access: Limiting keys to locked secure areas Conducting all precoding and sorting of materials in central secure locations
Secure Materials: Definition and Procedures
Test materials that contain administration test items or student responses and to which access is restricted. Secure test materials include: student test booklets; student answer documents; student log-in information; and any other materials containing test items or student responses (e.g., scratch paper) Processes to ensure the proper accounting of materials: Check in and check out procedures that include counting of materials Procedures for distribution, collection, disposal of materials such as scratch paper Appropriate training of all involved in assessment administration Monitoring of processes during administration to ensure maintained security
Active Monitoring Definition:
Active monitoring means that test administrators should be actively engaged in observing students’ behavior at all times during the administration of state assessments. Practices to ensure active monitoring: Active monitoring involves moving about the testing area so students’ actions can be viewed from multiple vantage points. Test administrators should not be engaged in other activates that would distract or prevent them from accomplishing this task. Test administrators should glance down at the tops and margins of the test booklets to ensure that students are working in the correct portion of the test. Test administrators must be aware that active monitoring also applies to maintaining test security during breaks by limiting interaction between students. Test administrators testing in a small group should pay attention to ensure students receive the appropriate accommodations at the appropriate times.
Active Monitoring: Violations of Test Security
While it is essential to actively monitor during test administration, it is considered a violation of test security for test administrators to do any of the following: Unauthorized viewing of test content for any reason other than to ensure students are working on the correct area is a violation and can include: Viewing test content long enough to determine the essence a question or prompt Looking the test booklet to determine if a student marked responses Viewing a testing booklet to see if a student used a strategy Memorizing test questions Copying test questions Examining a graph or illustration
Preventing Plagiarism
Definition: Plagiarism occurs when a student duplicates another student’s response or an external source. Examples include similar responses across multiple answer documents and use information from internet resources. Practices to prevent plagiarism: Administering the assessment to students taking the same test within the same day. Limiting reopened sessions by scheduling in such a way that ensures student completion of individual sessions. Prohibiting or limiting the use of other electronics within the testing environment Limiting access to backpacks and other belongings during the administration Ensuring technology readiness prior to administration in order to prevent previewing and reopened test sessions
Testing Students with Accommodations
Test administrators testing students with accommodations should be provided with the following: Training on what accommodations each student will receive A list of the accommodations each student is set to receive and when they should receive them Processes for communicating with the testing coordinator should questions or issues arise during administration Test administrators testing students with accommodations, including small group, are expected to actively monitor during administration including moving about the room and ensuring limited student interaction during any breaks.
Test Security Next Steps
Prior to administration of any state assessment district test coordinators are required to train school test coordinators in test security as well as any LEA level staff that may be participating in test administration or monitoring. School test coordinators are required to train school-level staff (e.g., test administrators, proctors, monitors). Resources available for test security training include: Test Coordinator and Administrator Manuals and Test Security Training for Schools. Next steps for district test coordinators: Access Test Security Training for Schools. Schedule school test coordinator and district staff test security trainings. Provide test security training to school test coordinators and district staff. Support school test coordinators in scheduling and providing training to school staff. Plan for district active monitoring test administration. Submit online assessment schedules to
Investigations According to Bulletin 118, the District Test Coordinator (DTC) is responsible for initiating the investigation of any severe irregularity in the district including, but not limited to, those resulting in the voiding of a student’s test score. The investigation report template represents the minimum that the LEA must report to the LDOE regarding voided tests. LDOE reserves the right to conduct any additional investigations it deems necessary. Investigations are due to 30 days after notification to the LEA.
LEAP 2025
Assessment Guide Update
The LEAP 2025 social studies and US History assessment guides have been updated and new versions are posted in the Assessment Guidance library. Changes include: Grades 3-8 social studies and US History field test items have been reduced and limited to only session 3. The table below compares the previous US History design to the new US History design. Session Previous Design New Design 1 4 item sets and 5 discrete items Embedded field test items and item set (80 minutes) 2 1 task set 1 item set and 1 task set (65 minutes) 3 2 item sets and 5 discrete items
Online Tools Training and Practice Test Usage
The number of times the OTT and High School Practice Test Teacher Access links have been accessed is listed below. 14,636 OTT logins 2,394 Practice Test Teacher Access logins The Online Tools Training (OTT) should be utilized in order to become familiar with the online testing tools (e.g., highlighter, magnification, etc.) used for the operational test. Additionally the OTT: may be reviewed as many times as desired; is not to be considered representative of an actual test; is available once Insight is installed or by link using Google Chrome browser; The Practice Test Quick Start Guide provides links to the following resources. Purpose and Structure of the Practice Tests Practice Test Guidance Online Test Administration Scoring Online Reporting
Grades 3-8 Practice Tests
Below are the revisions made to the grades 3-8 practice tests. ELA reading load reduced some items/passages changed sessions Social Studies some graphics modified for accessibility revised/clarified some item wording and/or answer choices Math no changes
High School Practice Tests
Full-length practice tests are developed for LEAP 2025 English I, English II, Algebra I, Geometry, and US History. The practice tests allow teachers to: Examine practice test content to evaluate their approach to instruction and assessment integrated approach (reading, writing, language) in ELA using sources, making connections, expressing claims in social studies conceptual understanding, procedural skills and fluency, and application in mathematics Examine practice test format to design instructional tasks and assessments that use similar features Simulate testing conditions to help students feel prepared for operational test administration The practice tests allow students to: Become familiar with the testing format Practice using the online tools for computer-based tests Respond to the types of questions they will answer on the LEAP 2025 tests
High School Practice Test Availability
Access Availability Teacher Access Now Student Access Late October 2017
Practice Test Quick Start Guide
The Practice Test Quick Start Guide provides all of the resources needed to: Access the practice tests and practice test guidance documents Prepare for online administration Score the practice tests Access the computer- based practice test reports
LEAP 2025 English I, English II, Algebra I, Geometry, and US History Practice Tests
The Teacher Access Link for high school LEAP 2025 assessments is now available. Teachers can view the practice tests by accessing the Teacher Access link in Google Chrome and entering a username and password for an assessment. The high school practice tests for student use will be available this fall. Practice Test Username Login English I ENG1 teach2025 English II ENG2 Algebra ALG1 Geometry GEO US History USHIST
Practice Test Resources
The following resources are available on the Practice Test webpage. Practice Test Quick Start Guide LEAP 2025 ELA Practice Test Guidance LEAP 2025 Math Practice Test Guidance LEAP 2025 Social Studies Practice Test Guidance The Department hosted a set of webinars on the LEAP 2025 high school practice tests. The presentations are located on the Practice Test webpage.
Fall LEAP 2025/EOC Key Dates
eDIRECT Manage Users available August 3, 2017 eDIRECT Test Setup available with preidentified students October 30, 2017–December 15, 2017 Schedule Testing Windows from eDIRECT Assign and Enter TA numbers Materials delivered to School System November 10, 2017 Window for ordering additional materials November 13, 2017–December 14, 2017 End-of-Course/LEAP 2025 HS testing window November 29, 2017–December 15, 2017 Test Ticket invalidations must be completed; Void Notification and Verification forms due to the Louisiana Department of Education December 18, 2017 All secure accommodated materials returned to DRC including braille instructions December 20, 2017 All rescore requests are due to DRC January 12, 2018
Field Tests
Field Tests Students in grades 3-8 will take a science field test. Students enrolled in a high school Biology course will continue to take the EOC test. In Spring 2018, the EOC Biology test will include embedded field test items. Field tested items may be used to build new LEAP 2025 test forms. The Science Field Test Overview document is available now. In early Winter 2017, the Department will post science field test guides with specific information on: test design and structure item types and sample items available resources
LEAP 360
LEAP 360 Resources LEAP 360 supports schools and systems in reducing local assessment minutes while improving the quality of their tools. Many school systems have been administering LEAP 360 diagnostic assessments over the past month as they set goals for the year. These assessments should replace previous assessment systems and not be used in addition to them. Resource Purpose LEAP 360 Webpage Houses LEAP 360 resources including links to quick start guides, assessment guides, webinars, and more. Diagnostic and Interim Quick Start Guides Provides links to resources including assessment guides, test setup guides, educator scoring instructions, and how to access reports and assessments themselves. Diagnostic and Interim Teacher Access Links Allows educators to view diagnostic and interim assessments in a non-scoring environment. A Teacher’s Guide to LEAP 360 Provides an overview of the LEAP 360 system, including: suggestions for student-centered goal-setting practices, how to connect results to instructional planning, how to interpret reports, and the design specifications of each unique assessment.
LEAP 360 Availability Timeline
Resource Availability Purpose K-2 Formative Tasks Currently available in eDIRECT Include six ELA tasks and six math tasks in both kindergarten and first grade with four ELA tasks and four math tasks available for grade two Diagnostics Help educators identify prerequisite skills students need for success in the current grade level (grades 3-8 ELA and math, English I, English II, Algebra I, and Geometry) Interims Form 1 currently available in eDIRECT Form 2 (3-8) coming Fall 2017 Form 2 (HS) currently available in eDIRECT Form 3 (HS) coming Fall 2017 Help educators identify students’ misconceptions and learning patterns to adjust instruction and target support (grades 3-8 ELA and math, English I, English II, Algebra I, and Geometry) Practice Tests Teacher access currently available (with update to grades 3-8 ELA coming Fall 2017) Student use coming Fall 2017 Grade- or course-level, paper-based (grades 3 and 4 ELA, math, social studies) and computer-based (grades 3-8 ELA, math, social studies; English I, English II, Algebra I, Geometry, US History) help prepare students for the spring assessments; accessed through INSIGHT
LEAP 360 Usage and Feedback
Many school systems have been administering LEAP 360 diagnostic assessments over the past month as they began setting goals for the year. These assessments should replace previous assessment systems and not used in addition to them. As of last week 708,974 Diagnostic assessments have been taken. Feedback Feedback on the LEAP 360 system is currently being collected. Feedback on the LEAP 360 system is being collected through a variety of methods. Site Visits Focus Groups District leaders, school leaders, or teachers should if they would like to provide feedback on LEAP 360.
LEAP 360: Fall 2017 New Reports Available
Diagnostic Student Summary Reports Interim 1 Student Summary Reports Interim 2 Student Summary Reports November Collaborations Integrating Results: Using LEAP 360 Reports in ELA Integrating Results: Using LEAP 360 Reports in Math LEAP 360 in Action Updated Resources PDF Teacher Access versions available in eDIRECT A Teacher’s Guide to LEAP 360 Interim Assessment Quick Start Guide
EAGLE EAGLE 2.0 provides teachers with access to quality questions and tasks that target individual skills or texts and are intended to be integrated into the teacher’s curriculum. EAGLE access is available through eDIRECT. The following Quick Start Guides are available: EAGLE 2.0 Quick Start Guide- How to Access EAGLE provides information about how to access the EAGLE 2.0 system. EAGLE 2.0 Quick Start Guide- How to Create a Test EAGLE 2.0 Quick Start Guide- How to Create a Test Session
Unique Accommodations
If a student with a disability or an English learner requires an accommodation that is not listed as an option on IEP, IAP, or ELL form and does not change the construct being measured by the test, the school may request approval for use of the unique accommodation using this request form. The unique accommodation must be listed in both the Classroom Accommodation and Unique Accommodation sections on the Individualized Education Program (IEP), 504 plan, or English Language Learner (ELL) plan. Please refer to the Accommodations and Accessibility Manual for LEAP 2025 for guidance on the use of appropriate accommodations. To request approval for a unique accommodation, this form must be completed by the school test coordinator and submitted by the District Test Coordinator to at least four weeks prior to testing to ensure a timely state response is received. A copy of this form must be kept in the student’s records and, if appropriate, retained at the district office.
Support and Communication
Save the Date: November Supervisor and Principal Collaborations
Please save the date for the November Supervisor and Principal Collaborations. Registration opens on Monday, October 16 in Wisdomwhere ; overview documents will be posted on Friday, October 13. Date Location Thursday, November 9 Bossier School for Technology & Innovation Bossier Monday, November 13 Claiborne Building Baton Rouge Wednesday, November 15 Bayou Church Lafayette Thursday, November 16 Jefferson Parish Public School Board Harvey Supervisor Collaborations 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Principals Collaborations 12:00-4:00 p.m.
District Support The Assessment team offers multiple avenues of support to districts, schools, and teachers seeking information or assistance about assessment administration and accountability. Weekly Newsletters Assessment and accountability information and deadlines are released each week in the district newsletter. Weekly Assessment & Accountability Calls Each Tuesday at 1:00 PM these webinars are held to provide training, updates, and important information to DTCs and Accountability Contacts. Assessment Library and Accountability Library The Assessment Library contains resources for DTCs including the Assessment Schedule and the Assessment and Accountability Month-by-Month Checklist. The Accountability Library contains resources for accountability contacts including the School Performance Score (SPS) calculators as well as information on data certification and federal accountability.
District Support Monthly Educational Technology Calls
The third Thursday of each month a webinar is held for district technology personnel to provide training, updates, and important information related to technology readiness and digital literacy. All stakeholders are encouraged to assessment and accountability questions and/or concerns to Assessment Hotline For immediate assistance regarding assessment and accountability, district-level staff may call the Assessment Hotline at All stakeholders are encouraged to technology readiness questions and/or concerns to either
Next Steps
Next Steps Key Dates Action October
Plan for LEAP 360 Interim administrations Access high school practice tests DTCs deliver online test security training to School Test Coordinators (STCs) and other applicable school and district personnel for fall high school assessmebrs October 3 – 17 ACT Fall WorkKeys accommodated (paper) testing window October 27 Deadline for ACT to receive ACT WorkKeys answer documents from schools October 28 LEAP 2025 Fall 2017 deadline to finalize IEP, IAP, and LEP accommodations prior to fall high school LEAP 2025 administration Next Assessment and Accountability Monthly Call: November 7, 2017 at 1:00 PM
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