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The Bride’s name The Groom’s name Followed by a reception

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Presentation on theme: "The Bride’s name The Groom’s name Followed by a reception"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Bride’s name The Groom’s name Followed by a reception
You are cordially invited to celebrate the wedding of The Bride’s name & The Groom’s name On Friday afternoon The Twenty-Ninth of April At One O'clock The Venue’s Address Followed by a reception

2 The Bride’s name The Groom’s name You are cordially invited
to celebrate the wedding of … The Bride’s name The Groom’s name On Friday afternoon The Twenty-Ninth of April At One O'clock The Venue’s Address Followed by a reception

3 The Bride’s name The Groom’s name Followed by a reception
You are cordially invited to celebrate the wedding of The Bride’s name & The Groom’s name On Friday afternoon The Twenty-Ninth of April At One O'clock The Venue’s Address Followed by a reception

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