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VideoTrace: Interactive 3d modelling for all

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Presentation on theme: "VideoTrace: Interactive 3d modelling for all"— Presentation transcript:

1 VideoTrace: Interactive 3d modelling for all
Anton van den Hengel Director, Australian Centre for Visual technologies Associate Professor, Adelaide University, South Australia Director, PunchCard Visual technologies

2 Input

3 Modelling

4 Results

5 Interactive 3D modelling
3D modelling is critical to all sorts of application Special effects, but also mining, architecture, defence, urban planning, … People are getting more visually sophisticated More 3D data is being generated More cameras, but also scanners etc The interfaces of modelling programs are usually very hard to fathom

6 Why? Insert your own objects into a game
Put your couch into second life Model your house for Google Earth Video editing Cut and paste between sequences Remove someone from your home videos

7 Put your truck into a game

8 Put your truck into a game

9 Modelling for animation

10 Video editing requires models

11 Dense surface reconstruction

12 Video editing requires models

13 Structure from motion

14 The process Capture and import the video
Perform structure and motion analysis Interact with the system to generate and edit the model Export to your application

15 The approach Pre-compute where possible Then interact
Structure from motion (camera tracking) Superpixels Then interact Interactions allow user to exploit precomputed results

16 Structure from motion Camera tracking Calculates
Reconstructed point cloud Camera parameters Location Orientation Intrinsics (eg. Focal length) Informs interaction interpretation process

17 Interactive modelling from video

18 Interactions Straight lines Curves Mirroring Extrusion
Closed sets of lines define planar polygons Curves For planar shapes with curved edges For NURBS surfaces Mirroring Duplicates existing geometry Extrusion

19 Fitting planar faces User specifies boundary
Boundary specifies infinitely many planes Similar to pre-emptive RANSAC Generate bounded plane hypotheses from point cloud Eliminate hypotheses that fail a series of tests Run simplest / most robust tests first Generally 3d tests before 2d tests

20 Fitting planar faces Line of sight Object points Image plane

21 Hierarchical RANSAC Generate bounded plane hypotheses Tests
Support from point cloud Reprojects within new image boundaries Constraints on relative edge length and face size Colour histogram matching on faces Colour matching on edge projections Reprojection is not self-occluding

22 Curves

23 Mirroring

24 Extrusion

25 Dense surface reconstruction
Needs to be at interactive speed Calculated as a max-flow graph-cut over a Markov Random Field Link cost based on photoconsitency

26 Modelling without features

27 Modelling without features

28 Recent model

29 Future work Other interactions Other data sources Occluding contours
Interactive SFM De / Re-lighting

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