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Stress Management ©Pete Charrette (Cap’n Pete), 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Stress Management ©Pete Charrette (Cap’n Pete), 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stress Management ©Pete Charrette (Cap’n Pete), 2013

2 What is Stress?

3 “The body’s response to any demand placed upon it.”
Stress Definition “The body’s response to any demand placed upon it.” Intellectual Physical Social STRESS Spiritual Emotional

4 Can you live a stress free life?

5 Positive Stress Starting Junior High Making new friends
Starting an exercise program Playing a sports game

6 Negative Stress Financial problems Death of a loved one
Poor performance at school Arguments with friends

7 Symptoms and Effects of Stress

8 Can lead to the following diseases and disorders…….
Stress Can Cause Harm Stress can make you sick!!! It can affect your Immune System’s ability to fight off disease and Can lead to the following diseases and disorders…….

9 Common Symptoms of Stress
Headaches Muscle aches Grinding teeth Nervous ticks Increased sweating Increase in or loss of appetite Trouble sleeping Nightmares Chest Pains High blood pressure Dizziness Depression Irritation, anger, hostility Fear, panic, anxiety Poor concentration Rapid heart rate Restlessness Dry Mouth

10 Common Symptoms of Prolonged Stress
Emotional outbursts Communication difficulties Frequent crying Lashing out at others Isolation and withdrawal

11 Dealing with Stress

12 Stress Management

13 Dealing With Stress Social Support Humor lean on your friends
learn to laugh

14 Dealing With Stress Time Management Get Organized Prioritize
Don’t Procrastinate Eliminate Interruptions Identify Time Wasters

15 Dealing With Stress Alter or Eliminate
Change the situation creating the stressor Change Your Perception (Self Talk) Count to 10 – take deep breaths Don’t exaggerate the situation

16 Dealing With Stress Relax deep breathing yoga meditation hobbies

17 Dealing With Stress Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle
balanced diet regular exercise get plenty of sleep and rest Get Outside Help and support

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