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Unit 6: Laws in our Society

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1 Unit 6: Laws in our Society

2 Founding Documents Review
In 1215, the _____________ established the principle that the King of England was subject to the same laws as everyone else. Creating the basis for laws like an eye for an eye, _____________ was the first set of written laws. The ________________ created rules governing the behavior of men in relation to other men and in relation to God and established Western morals. When the Pilgrims created the_______________ it established a system based on self governance. __________________ was written about the concept that when creating a government you may lose certain freedoms, only to have your rights protected by the government.

3 Web Lecture 6.1 Review Answer with complete sentences What type of law, if broken, can result in an individual going through the trial process? A law against fishing for pelicans off a balcony is an example of what type of law? The federal or state gov’ts ability to collect taxes is an example of what type of law? Each states ability to create these type of laws is why speed limits differ b/t states. The FDA enforces this type of law by giving fines or shutting down business that do not follow them.

4 Just vs. Unjust laws Make two lists of laws
Just vs. Unjust laws Make two lists of laws. One list includes laws that are necessary, the other lists laws that you feel are unnecessary or are unjust. (5 in each list) Just Laws - Unjust Laws - From your lists, determine what law is the most unjust and write a letter to your Senator describing why this law should be eliminated. Two paragraphs of 3-5 sentences each. Dear Senator Kay Hagan, ………………………………………………………………………

5 Types of Laws You will be broken into 5 groups and each group will receive a scenario. Your group will read that scenario and from its description choose what type of law is represented by the description. 3 min. each. After you have completed one you will pass it on to the next group and continue the exercise with the remaining scenarios. Color Description of Scenario Type of Law Why?

6 Laws are organized into several different forms:
TYPE OF LAW BASIS/DESCRIPTION ENFORCEMENT CONSTITUTIONAL LAW Based on the requirements of the US Constitution and State Constitutions Interpreted by the Judicial System STATUTORY LAW Based on laws established by the state and federal legislatures Passed by Legislatures ADMINISTRATIVE LAW Based on laws that have been established by local, state and/or federal leaders and agencies Passed by individual agencies

Unwritten laws based on the outcome of previous cases & the general expectation of how humans should behave (can not conflict with written laws). Defined by individual judges CRIMINAL Based on public wrongs against the state/government. Between private parties and society CIVIL Based on human conduct and disputes between private parties. Between private parties

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