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Go to the IRB Website and select IRB Members Only

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Presentation on theme: "Go to the IRB Website and select IRB Members Only"— Presentation transcript:

1 Instructions for logging in to an “IRB Meeting space” for the first time

2 Go to the IRB Website and select IRB Members Only
Start by downloading the latest forms from our website


4 UTHSCSA\username

5 Click the IRB number

6 The studies and documents are organized by Submission type
The studies and documents are organized by Submission type. Click the plus and minus symbols to expand or collapse your view. The Agenda, Previous Minutes, and Training Resource documents can be found on the left side menu under Documents. To return to the homepage click “IRB Workspace” in the upper left.

7 To download documents, right click on the document name and select “Save Target As” to save it to your computer for later review.

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