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Anonymous Wireless Authentication on a Portable Cellular Mobile System

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1 Anonymous Wireless Authentication on a Portable Cellular Mobile System
Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS, Vol. 53, NO , OCTOBER 2004 Authors: Shiuh-Jeng Wang, Member, IEEE Speaker: Pen-Yi Chang, 2004/10/18

2 Outline Introduction Cryptographic Knapsack System
Call Set-Up Authentication Protocol Hand-Off Authentication Protocol Anonymous Conference Call Protocol Conclusion

3 Introduction Author have proposed a secure and anonymous conference call set-up scheme for a group of mobile units using an identity-based concept as well as a knapsack-like cipher mechanism.

4 Cryptographic Knapsack System
Without loss of generality, the 0/1 knapsack problem of larger vector length is subject to the NP-complete problem 0/1 Knapsack Problem. C : positive integer A : a vector (a1, a2, …, an) of positive integer M : a binary vector (m1, m2, …, mn) Such that

5 Cryptographic Knapsack System-cont.1
The knapsack variant incorporated into our scheme: Definition1: A vector A=(a1, a2 , ai, …, an) is said to be volume-increasing on i, 1≦ i ≦ n iff If the vector A given in the 0/1 knapsack problem is volume-increasing on i, then If C≧ai, then mi=1, otherwise, mi=0

6 Cryptographic Knapsack System-cont.2
Problem1: Find a vector A=(a1, a2, … ,ai …, an) and a set of n constant {λ1, λ2, …, λi, …, λn} such that λ1*A mod p = (λ1* a1 mod p, λ1*a2 mod p, …, λ1*an mod p) λ2*A mod p = (λ2* a1 mod p, λ2*a2 mod p, …, λ2*an mod p) λn*A mod p = (λn* a1 mod p, λn*a2 mod p, …, λn*an mod p) are volume-increasing on I for each (λi*A mod p) 1≦i≦n, where p is a large prime and

7 Cryptographic Knapsack System-cont.3

8 Notations MUi : the ith mobile unit BSi : the ith base station
RC : random check number, generate by MSC Kc : the conference key used by MUi Ks : the session generate by MUi, used to participate in the construction of Kc PKC : public key cryptosystem h : a secure one-way hash function Ek : Encryption algorithm with private key k

9 Call Set-Up Authentication Protocol
MSC ARC DB MUi BSi Compute

10 Hand-Off Authentication Protocol

11 Anonymous Conference Call Protocol
Assume that there are at most m+1 mobile units MU0, MU1, …, Mum in a communicating group of our system Let n=m+l, according to Problem 1, it is then solved to obtain the vector A= (a1, a2, …, an) and the n constants λis. yi, 1 ≤ i ≤ n, yi=λiai mod p A, p : public ai : the public key of the ith mobile. (λi, yi) : the private keys for the ith mobile

12 Anonymous Conference Call Protocol-cont.1
MSC ARC DB MU0 If authentication is successfully completed, then MSC broadcast Z MUi

13 Anonymous Conference Call Protocol-cont.2
MSC ARC DB Check list Collects the coordinate points ()

14 Example There are six mobiles in the mobile system form Problem 1
A=(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6) =(1341,5239,13954,2490,15341,4662) p=54401 (λ1, y1)=(37341,25361), (λ2, y2)=(5965,24461) (λ3, y3)=(52699,23529), (λ4, y4)=(6979,23791) (λ5, y5)=(11973,20017), (λ6, y6)=(2316,25794) assume that the participating mobiles in a conference call are {MU2, MU4, MU6} that is, R=(0,1,0,1,0,1)

15 Example-cont.1 Z=(A)(R)=12391 λ1*Z mod 54401=11826<25361, r1=0

16 Conclusion We have proposed an anonymous identity-based mutual authentication scheme for holding a conference call. This so-called anonymity is accomplished by the aspect of a knapsack-like cipher mechanism among the communicating mobile.

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