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Life on Earth: Vertebrate Animals

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1 Life on Earth: Vertebrate Animals

2 Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Subphylum Vertebrata
Class Osteichthyes Class Chondrichthyes Class Amphibia Class Reptilia Class Aves Class Mammalia

3 Osteichthyes Bony fish: trout, flounder, goldfish
Feeding: herbivores, carnivores, parasites, filter feeders, detritus feeders Respiration: gills, some modified swim bladders Circulatory: closed circulatory system, 2-chambered heart

4 Excretion: kidneys filter nitrogenous wastes, ammonia diffuses through gills, solid wastes – anus
Nervous: brain and nervous system, biolumenescence, electricity possible Movement: swim, some “walk” on fins Reproduction: sexual, oviparous (lay eggs), external fertilization, live-bearing, some internal fertilization


6 Walking Catfish

7 Chondrichthyes Cartilaginous fish: sharks, rays and skates
Same as other fish EXCEPT: Skeleton is made of cartilage whereas Osteichthyes have skeletons of bone

8 Amphibians Examples: frogs, toads, salamanders
Digestive: young are filter feeding herbivores, adults are carnivores Respiration: young have gills. Adults have lungs, some diffusion through skin Circulatory: closed, double-loop system, 3-chambered heart

9 Excretion: Kidneys produce urine; intestines produce solid wastes, both excreted via the cloaca
Nervous: brain and nervous system, ectotherms ( cold-blooded) Movement: swim, hop, crawl Reproduction: sexual, external or internal fertilization


11 Reptiles Examples: snakes, lizards, turtles, alligators, crocodiles
Digestive: herbivores or carnivores Respiration: lungs Circulatory: closed, double loop system, 3 or 4 chambered heart

12 Excretion: kidneys may produce uric acid which along with solids, are eliminated through a cloaca
Nervous: well-developed brain and nervous system, heat-sensitive, ectotherms Movement: stronger limbs and muscles, situated directly under the body; walking, swimming, burrowing, climbing

13 Reproduction: sexual, usually internal fertilization, lay eggs or bear live young
Major evolutionary development: the amniote egg

14 Aves Examples: hawks, sparrows, penguins, ducks
Digestive: herbivores, carnivores or omnivores Respiration: lungs plus air sacs in body cavity and bones Circulatory: closed double loop system, 4-chambered heart

15 Excretion: Kidneys produce uric acid
Nervous: Brain, good senses, magnetic senses for migration, endotherms (warm-blooded) Movement: fly, swim, walk Reproduction: sexual, internal fertilization, lay eggs


17 Mammals Examples: apes, humans, kangaroos
Digestive: herbivores, carnivores, omnivores Respiration: lungs Circulatory: closed, double-loop, 4 chambered heart

18 Excretion: Kidneys most well-developed, produce urine
Nervous: most highly developed brain and nervous system, 3 part brain Movement: walk, swim, fly Reproduction: sexual, internal fertilization, egg-laying, live bearing


20 Mammal orders: Monotremes: duckbill platypus
Marsupials: kangaroo, opossum Insectivora: anteaters Chiroptera: bats Rodentia: rats, mice Lagomorpha: rabbits Carnivora: lions, dogs Cetacea: whales and dolphins Primates: apes and man

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