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Video - Slow motion popcorn popping

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Presentation on theme: "Video - Slow motion popcorn popping"— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientist study the mystery of popcorn: why does it jump and make noise?

2 Video - Slow motion popcorn popping

3 Vocabulary endosperm- This is the starch that provides food (energy) for the living part of the kernel. Zea mays everta – The scientific name for popcorn. Celsius- Of or relating to a temperature scale that registers the freezing point of water as 0° and the boiling point as 100°.

4 Vocabulary Fahrenheit- Of or relating to a temperature scale that registers the freezing point of water as 32°F and the boiling point as 212°F. phenomenon- Something that is impressive or extraordinary.

5 Section – Why Does it Jump and Pop?
What is the scientific name for popcorn? How many types of corn kernels actually pop when heated?

6 Section – Thousands of Pictures
Explain step by step what happens to popcorn when it is heated?

7 Section - Look, Listen, Then Taste
Justify that the release of water vapor is the popping sound a kernel makes.

8 Discussion questions Evaluate the scientists’ procedures for their experiment? How would you improve their methods?

9 Summary Writing Assignment
Explain what makes a kernel jump and pop? (Use 3 specific pieces of evidence from the article.)

10 Performance Task If you were a scientist in charge of testing why some kernels do not pop? Explain how you set up and test your hypothesis.

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