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MDHI and BOS User Group 08-16-2017 August HMIS User Group MDHI and BOS User Group 08-16-2017.

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Presentation on theme: "MDHI and BOS User Group 08-16-2017 August HMIS User Group MDHI and BOS User Group 08-16-2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 MDHI and BOS User Group 08-16-2017
August HMIS User Group MDHI and BOS User Group

2 Goals You will be able to do the following:
Understand the process for the new HMIS Adsystech version 6 training Be familiarized with some of the major user design changes and new procedures Understand some major HUD Standards changes starting on October 1st.

3 Agenda HMIS Version 6 Roll-Out User Design Changes v6
October 2017 HUD Standards changes.

4 HMIS Version 6 Training Roll-Out
The HMIS version 6 Training Roll-Out Procedures

5 HMIS Version 6 Training: What
ALL HMIS users MUST go through HMIS Version 6 Training to access their HMIS account.  This means First, users must attend the HMIS Version 6 live data entry training WEBINAR and study the version 6 training guide.  The webinar registration link and training guide will be sent out in an  to all new and current users at some point before training. If you cannot attend the webinar, a video recording will be sent out to all registrants.  All trainees MUST register for the webinar, whether they can make the live training or not.     Second, after attending the webinar, users must attend an in-person session to be evaluated on HMIS data entry skills.  Each user MUST bring his/her version 6 user guide to help in the data entry process during the evaluation.    Third, once the user has been evaluated as capable of maneuvering in the system, they will be able to access their HMIS account in the new version of the database at the beginning of the work week following their training.  

6 HMIS Version 6 Training: What
2 Weeks out from HMIS Version 6 Access 1 Weeks out from HMIS Version 6 Access Start of access to HMIS Version 6 for your agency 1-2 Weeks after start of HMIS Version 6 access HMIS Version 6 Training Timeline Two weeks before your agency will have version 6 access you will watch a live webinar (or the recording) about data entry One week before your agency will have version 6 access you will take the in-person (for MDHI) or live webinar (for BOS) training evaluation On the first business day of the following week after the training evaluation, your agency’s users who passed the evaluation will be provided a username and password to start using HMIS Version 6 Any users who missed the training evaluation or who were flagged as not ready to use the database will have to come back to Stout Street Health Center for a redo or make-up evaluation

7 HMIS Version 6 Training: Who
ALL current and new HMIS users.   New users (people who do not have current access to an HMIS username or login) are still required to watch the HMIS 100 training video BEFORE his/her in- person evaluation of the data entry procedures.  

8 HMIS Version 6 Training: Where
MDHI:  The initial data entry procedure trainings will take place via webinar.  Please make sure you get a link a week before the in-person training so you can attend the webinar, watch how the data entry procedures, and ask questions.  The evaluation will be IN PERSON at Stout Street Health Center, Stout Street, Denver, CO   BOS:  The initial data entry procedure trainings will take place via webinar. Please make sure you get a link a week before the in-person training so you can attend the webinar, watch how the data entry procedures, and ask questions. The evaluation will also be in a LIVE WEBINAR.  Click the "Join" button provided through the GoToTraining a few minutes before your live session begins.

9 HMIS Version 6 Training: When
The HMIS version 6 data entry training webinars will take place a week before your agency's in-person trainings.  The HMIS version 6 training evaluations will take place between August 28th and September 19th.  The training evaluation will take roughly 1/2 hour- 1 hour for each user.   Each agency's users  (and main points-of-contact for HMIS) will get an announcement and a phone call 1-2 weeks before the agency's training begins to provide the exact dates/times that that agency's users need to register for the in- person training evaluation.

10 HMIS Version 6 Training: When
Dates for your agency's in-person training will be provided by the Colorado HMIS team in an to HMIS users along with the registration links. The registration link will have the date of your agency's training evaluation. There are 10 slots available per hour on your designated training date. Please pick whichever hour is most convenient to attend the training. There are 10 slots available per hour, so if managers want all users at an agency to be in the same hour, please make sure to coordinate that with users before slots are filled by other agency's users that will also be trained on that day. Calendars will also be posted on the front page of the website.

11 HMIS Version 6 Training: When
****We recommend all new users in August and September WAIT to get trained on the new version of the webinar when the roll out begins.  The HMIS version 6 training will take place between August 28th and September 19th.****  

12 HMIS Version 6 Training: Registration
BOS= GoToTraining MDHI = signupgenius

13 HMIS Version 6 Training: Registration
New Intake/Exit forms that match the version 6 workflow

14 HMIS Version 6 Training Roll-Out
Training Roll-Out Q & A

15 User Design Changes The new HMIS version 6 Process

16 Look-Up on Enrollment Page

17 User Design Changes to HMIS Version 6
There is NO central intake or “Enroll Clients in Program” page. There is no need to go to the help desk to have clients added or removed to households in the central intake A household will be a list of people who share the same household or at one point shared the same household under a particular head of household. When entering the client into a program, simply “Select” the members from the household inventory list that you want entered.

18 Account Profile After looking up the Head of Household you have to start with the Account Profile tab and either click the “Edit” button (looks like this ) if you need to change the Date of Birth or other info for HoH. If you do not have to change the info, leave this alone. If you need to add a new Head of Household that is not in the database, you can click “Add” in the Account Profile tab

19 Applications To add a new application click the “ADD” button and complete the Applicant Information box This information will provide the Head of Household Member who is applying, the program name, and the Entry Date for the Head of Household into the program.

20 HH Members After you enter the Head of Household into a program, you can add in any number of other household members. If there were already members associated with the Head of Household, you will click “Select” and it will bring up a pop-up box with an inventory of people associated with that Head of Household. Click ADD if you want to add a person that is not on the Select list already.

21 Assessments Click on the HUD Question “+” sign to generate the HUD disability/DV questions set. Click on the “Edit” button for each person in the household to answer their questions.

22 Income Click on the Income Tab and then click the “Edit” button next to “Income” and “Non-Cash Benefits/Health Insurance” for each person in the household so that the income, non-cash benefits, and health insurance questions are answered for each person (only health insurance for children).

23 Documents For some programs that request it, we will have a mandatory documents page to ensure all the documents are collected before entering a program or at least a warning sign is presented when this is not collected fully.

24 Verification Each page will have a verification pop-up to make sure you hit all the required data points on that page and to warn you to go back to any unfinished spot to finish the intake process. On the verification pop-up, it will provide a list of each data point and will either say “Fail” which means this data point was not completed or “Pass” which means it was completed If a verification check fails on a “Warning” rule, this means it is advised to collect but will let you continue the process If a verification check fails on a “Fail” rule, this means it your account cannot be certified until this data point is completed. Once all pages have been verified, the account will be “Locked” and have a lock symbol display which means that the information is accurate and certified to start entering services and case notes You can always reopen the record by clicking on the “Lock” symbol and reopening the account, changing the information (e.g. removing someone not in the household, changing info, etc.) and reverifying the information again on the tabs you changed.

25 Verification Rule Check

26 Annual Assessments Any additional assessments or question sets outside of the entry program specific questions will be listed on the Assessments tab

27 Exit For exiting, you have to click on the Household History page and then click on “Begin Exit” button. Once you do this, you will get the exit questions. Then click on the Detail tab. Remember that in order to exit or enter services, you must have entry information verified first!

28 HMIS Version 6 User Design Changes
User Design Changes Q & A

29 October 2017 HMIS Standards Changes
The HMIS 2017 HMIS Data Standards updates and changes

30 New October 2017 Data Standards
New data standards are already published for the October 2017. You can retrieve them here: Manual-2017.pdf They are much more readable compared to past Data Standards! We encourage you to read them! The updated standards will start being effective as of October 1, 2017

31 New October 2017 Data Standards
Housing Status (Standard 4.1) will now no longer need to be collected. This means you will not have to determine if a client is Category 1, Category 2, Category 3, or Category 4. Each program has its grant requirements and thus, the prior living situation will continue to be used for eligibility purposes. Gender’s response of “Doesn’t identify as male, female or transgender” will now become “Gender Non-Conforming (i.e. not exclusively male or female)”

32 Major October Data Standards Changes

33 Major October Data Standards Changes

34 Major October Data Standards Changes

35 Major October Data Standards Changes

36 Major October Data Standards Changes

37 Major October Data Standards Changes

38 Major October Data Standards Changes

39 Major October Data Standards Changes

40 Major October Data Standards Changes

41 Major October Data Standards Changes

42 Major October Data Standards Changes

43 Major October Data Standards Changes

44 New October 2017 Data Standards
If you have a program that is a pre-housing/service only program that clients are admitted to prior to receiving housing through a separate housing program, please let HMIS know through the help desk ASAP by ing We will give a list of pre-housing programs to the vendor so they can combine them with the housing program and have the pre-service program’s Entry dates be the “Project Start Date”, and the original Entry date for the housing program will become the Housing Move-In Date.

45 Questions? Q & A Contact the HMIS help desk at or call at (303)

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