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Integrating Oracle HTML DB with Oracle Application Server 10g.

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2 Integrating Oracle HTML DB with Oracle Application Server 10g

3 Scott Spendolini Senior Product Manager, Oracle HTML DB
Oracle Corporation

4 Agenda Oracle HTML DB Overview
Integration Points with Oracle Application Server 10g Summary Q & A

5 Oracle HTML DB Overview

6 What is Oracle HTML DB? A secure, web-based, metadata-driven, database-centric application development and deployment platform that resides in the Oracle Database

7 Portal vs. HTML DB Oracle Portal Consolidated View of Personalized Data from Multiple Sources Oracle HTML DB Secure, Scalable Platform for Web Application Development & Deployment

8 Availability No Additional Charge Release 1.5 Release 1.6
Software ships on Oracle Database 10g Companion CD Release 1.6 Available as a Download from OTN 1.6.1 Patchset Available via Metalink Works & Supported in Oracle Database 10g and Oracle Database 9iR2 ( ) Included as a component of Standard One, Standard and Enterprise Editions No Additional Charge

9 Demo Environment Physical Architecture Browser Oracle HTML DB

10 Demo Environment Physical Architecture Internet Directory Single Sign-On Portal Oracle HTML DB HTTP & mod_plsql Reports MapViewer OC4J

11 Demo Environment Today’s Architecture
Red Hat Advanced Server

12 Oracle HTML DB Logical Architecture
Shared Workgroup Database Service Ability to Host Many Users on a Single Instance Centrally Deployed & Managed Accessed anywhere via a Browser Declarative development style Pages & Objects Stored as Metadata Wizard-Based Development

13 Oracle HTML DB Logical Architecture
Workspace A Applications Applications Schema A Workspace B Applications Applications Schema B Workspace C Applications Applications Schema C

14 Integration Points with Oracle Application Server 10g

15 Oracle HTTP Server & mod_plsql Internet Directory Single Sign-On Portal Oracle HTML DB HTTP & mod_plsql Reports MapViewer OC4J

16 Oracle HTTP Server & mod_plsql Software & Editions Required
Oracle AS Java Edition Oracle AS Standard Edition Oracle AS Enterprise Edition

17 Oracle HTTP Server & mod_plsql How it Integrates
Oracle HTTP Server & mod_plsql from Oracle AS can be used to serve Oracle HTML DB A single instance of OHS & mod_plsql can point to multiple instances of Oracle HTML DB Add entries to DAD configuration file Cluster HTTP Servers for Failover

18 Oracle HTTP Server & mod_plsql Steps to Configure
Add an entry to your DAD configuration file for each instance of Oracle HTML DB: <Location /pls/htmldb> SetHandler pls_handler Order deny,allow Allow from all AllowOverride None PlsqlDatabaseUsername HTMLDB_PUBLIC_USER PlsqlDatabasePassword @BXUKpCh0pabnAcDAE+X2P9w= PlsqlDatabaseConnectString localhost:1521:sadler ServiceNameFormat PlsqlDefaultPage htmldb PlsqlDocumentTablename wwv_flow_file_objects$ PlsqlDocumentPath docs PlsqlDocumentProcedure wwv_flow_file_manager.process_download PlsqlAuthenticationMode Basic PlsqlNLSLanguage AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8MSWIN1252 </Location>

19 Oracle HTTP Server & mod_plsql Resources
OTN: Oracle HTTP Server Studio: Install HTML DB into multiple Oracle Instances using a single Oracle HTTP Server How To: Install and Configure Oracle HTML DB for use with Oracle Application Server 10g How To: Install and Configure Oracle HTML DB for use by a 9iR2 Oracle HTTP Server

20 Oracle HTTP Server & mod_plsql Demonstration

21 Oracle Single Sign-On
Internet Directory Single Sign-On Portal Oracle HTML DB HTTP & mod_plsql Reports MapViewer OC4J

22 Oracle Single Sign-On Software & Editions Required
Oracle Single Sign-On Server Editions Oracle AS Standard Edition Oracle AS Enterprise Edition

23 Oracle Single Sign-On How it Integrates
Oracle HTML DB can integrate with Oracle Single Sign-on as a: Partner Application External Application Signing on to the Oracle Login Server means you're authenticated to any Oracle HTML DB application using the SSO Authentication Scheme

24 Oracle Single Sign-On Steps to Configure
Download & Install the SSO SDK into your HTML DB Schema Alternatively, you can install the SSO SDK into a separate schema, in order to preserve it when HTML DB is upgraded Create an SSO Authentication Scheme in your HTML DB Application Register Oracle HTML DB or a specific Oracle HTML DB Application as a Partner Application

25 Oracle Single Sign-On Resources
OTN: Oracle Single Sign-On How To: Configure an HTML DB Application as a Partner Application in Oracle AS Single Sign-On

26 Oracle Single Sign-On Demonstration

27 Oracle Portal
Internet Directory Single Sign-On Portal Oracle HTML DB HTTP & mod_plsql Reports MapViewer OC4J

28 Oracle Portal Software & Editions Required
OmniPortlet Oracle Single Sign-On Server Oracle Internet Directory Editions Oracle AS Standard Edition Oracle AS Enterprise Edition

29 Oracle Portal How it Integrates
Oracle Portal can be used as a launch point for Oracle HTML DB Applications which are integrated with Oracle SSO The OmniPortlet can display any Oracle HTML DB Report of type XML as a table, chart, news items, bullets, or in a form OmniPortlets can drill-down into Oracle HTML DB applications Page Parameters can be passed to the OmniPortlet in order to filter the results from Oracle HTML DB

30 Oracle Portal Steps to Configure
Create a SQL Report in HTML DB Ensure the the Report Title and Column Titles contain no spaces (DeptNo instead of Dept No) Change the Report Template to export: XML Create an OmniPortlet of type XML Supply the URL for the page with your Oracle HTML DB XML Report for the XML URL Specify the Filter, View and Layout parameters Under View, select "Don't Cache the Portlet Content" to ensure that you don't see stale data in Oracle Portal

31 Oracle Portal Resources
OTN: Oracle Portal How To: Publish an HTML DB Component as a Portlet in Oracle Application Server Portal Publishing an HTML DB Report on a Portal Page Publishing an HTML DB Report as a Chart on a Portal Page Linking from an OmniPortlet to an HTML DB Page Making an OmniPortlet Parameter-Driven

32 Oracle Portal Demonstration

33 Oracle Internet Directory Internet Directory Single Sign-On Portal Oracle HTML DB HTTP & mod_plsql Reports MapViewer OC4J

34 Oracle Internet Directory Software & Editions Required
Oracle AS Standard Edition with Identity Management Option Oracle AS Enterprise Edition

35 Oracle Internet Directory How it Integrates
Oracle HTML DB Users & Groups can be stored in Oracle Internet Directory (OID) OID can be synchronized with MS Active Directory OID Groups can be referenced in Oracle HTML DB Authorization Schemes to restrict access to Oracle HTML DB applications and/or components Users can manage their own account (change their password, edit their profile) via OID Administrators can enforce security policies (password settings & expiration dates, etc) via OID

36 Oracle Internet Directory Steps to Configure
Create an Authorization Scheme based on a PL/SQL Function Returning BOOLEAN Associate the Authorization Scheme with a page or page component in HTML DB Sample function call: return wwv_flow_ldap.is_member (:APP_USER, null, 'cn=users, dc=somedomain, dc=com', '', '389', 'SAMPLE_APP_ADMINS', 'cn=Groups, dc=somedomain, dc=com');

37 Oracle Internet Directory Resources
OTN: Oracle Internet Directory Studio: How to use OID Groups to Manage HTML DB Security

38 Oracle Internet Directory Demonstration

39 Oracle Reports
Internet Directory Single Sign-On Portal Oracle HTML DB HTTP & mod_plsql Reports MapViewer OC4J

40 Oracle Reports Software & Editions Required
Oracle Reports Services Editions Oracle AS Business Intelligence Oracle AS Enterprise Edition

41 Oracle Reports How it Integrates
Oracle HTML DB applications can directly call Oracle Reports to produce PDF output Parameters can be passed to the Report

42 Oracle Reports Steps to Configure
Create and deploy and Oracle Report on your Oracle AS server Build an HTML DB Application that will call the Oracle Report You can optionally secure the report and not pass username & password via the URL You can optionally store parameters in a table to prevent URL tampering

43 Oracle Reports Resources
OTN: Oracle Reports How To: Integrate Oracle Reports with Oracle HTML DB

44 Oracle Reports Demonstration

45 WebServices on Oracle AS Internet Directory Single Sign-On Portal Oracle HTML DB HTTP & mod_plsql Reports MapViewer OC4J

46 WebServices on Oracle AS Software & Editions Required
Oracle AS Containers for J2EE (OC4J) Editions Oracle AS Java Edition Oracle AS Standard Edition Oracle AS Enterprise Edition

47 WebServices on Oracle AS How it Integrates
WebServices can be built using Oracle JDeveloper and Deployed in an OC4J container in Oracle AS Containers for J2EE Oracle HTML DB can consume WebServices WebService must have valid WSDL document Both Input & Output parameters supported

48 WebServices on Oracle AS Steps to Configure
Build & Deploy a WebService and associated WSDL document with Oracle JDeveloper & Oracle AS Consume the WebService with Oracle HTML DB Build a report and/or a form based on the in/out parameters of the WebService

49 WebServices on Oracle AS Resources
OTN: Oracle AS Containers for J2EE How To: Develop a Web Service From a Web Service Description Language (WSDL) Document Publish a JAX-RPC Web Service

50 Oracle AS Containers for J2EE Demonstration

51 Oracle AS MapViewer
Internet Directory Single Sign-On Portal Oracle HTML DB HTTP & mod_plsql Reports MapViewer OC4J

52 Oracle AS MapViewer Software & Editions Required
Oracle AS Containers for J2EE (OC4J) Editions Oracle AS Java Edition Oracle AS Standard Edition Oracle AS Enterprise Edition

53 Oracle AS MapViewer How it Integrates
Oracle MapViewer can be embedded in an Oracle HTML DB application PL/SQL APIs will be released with the How To Functions Supported: Zoom In & Out Zoom Box Pan

54 Oracle AS MapViewer Steps to Configure
Install PL/SQL API Download data from NavTeq or OTN Sample data for both Washington, DC & San Francisco Spatially Index your Data Build required HTML DB components or Download Template App from HTML DB Studio

55 Oracle AS MapViewer Resources
OTN: Oracle AS MapViewer OTN: NavTeq Map Data OTN: MapViewer Quick Start How To: Coming Soon

56 Oracle AS MapViewer Demonstration
Launch Viewlet

57 Oracle HTML DB How To's
Step-by-Step instructions on how to configure/build/integrate Oracle Technologies Each one of these Integration Demos has a corresponding How To Document

58 Summary

59 Summary Oracle HTML DB and Oracle Application Server 10g are designed to work together Oracle HTML DB can easily leverage many of Oracle Application Server 10g's features Combining Oracle HTML DB & Oracle Application Server 10g make a powerful development platform

60 More Technical Information
Visit Oracle Technology Network Oracle HTML DB Home page Oracle HTML DB Studio Discuss Oracle HTML DB in the Forums

61 Q & Q U E S T I O N S A N S W E R S A

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