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Introduction to Problem Solving

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1 Introduction to Problem Solving
Siti Nurbaya Ismail Senior Lecturer Faculty of Computer & Mathematical Sciences Universiti Teknologi MARA Kedah (e): (u):

2 Introduction to Problem Solving
Part 1: Problem At the end of this chapter you will be able to; Define a problem. Describe a solution. Explain examples of problem solving using computer. Describe the connection between real life process and problem solving using computer.

3 What is problem? Unsettled matter demanding solutions or decision and requiring usually considerable thought or skill for its proper solution or decision A state of difficulty that needs to be resolved or a question raised for consideration or solution Difficulty; a matter about it is difficult to decide what to do or a question to be answered or solve

4 Types of Problem Simple Problem How to make a cup of tea
How to cook rice How to log in to gmail account Difficult problem Traffic control Transport schedule Perform transaction using auto teller machine

5 What is solution? An action or process of solving a problem, also;
The fact or state of a problem being solved, also; An answer to or means of answering a problem.

6 Relation: Problem & Solution
From the definition, problem and solution are interrelated and therefore; a problem should not be investigated separately from its solution. Therefore, to solve a problem, three important steps should be performed: Understand the problem thoroughly Understand the conditions and requirements of the problem Search for alternative solutions and select a general solution

7 Problem & Solution Problem Solution How to make a cup of tea
Put a tea beg into a cup Pour hot water into the cup Add sugar into the cup Stir

8 Problem & Solution Problem Solution
How to log in into an Gmail account Open a web browser Enter URL; Enter Google Account username in the Enter Your text entry box Click Next Enter password in the Password text entry box Click Sign In button

9 Examples of Problem Solving Using Computer
Typical simple problem solving Cook a dish cake sandwich fried rice To get to a destination From home to UiTM Kedah

10 Examples of Problem Solving Using Computer
Typical simple problem solving Cook a dish: chocalate cake Input Process Output Ingredients Step to make cake Mix Butter + sugar Better + flour + milk + brown sugar + vanilla + baking powder + chocolate powder + egg Baked Baked cake!

11 Examples of Problem Solving Using Computer
Typical simple problem solving Cook a dish: tuna sandwich Input Process Output Ingredients Salad Tuna Tomatoes Bread Mayo Step to make sandwich Take 2 slice of bread Put salad, tomato, tuna & mayo in between the 2 slice of bread. Yummy sandwich!

12 Examples of Problem Solving Using Computer
Typical real world problems Transaction ATM Machine Web Application Decision Making Forecasting Control Problem Traffic controller Searching problems Search Engines Sorting problems Transport Schedule

13 Examples of Problem Solving Using Computer
Ain Anis Akmal Typical real world problems Transaction : ATM Machine: Money Withdrawer Input Process Output ATM card PIN Insert card Select language Enter PIN Select transaction(withdraw money) Select account type (saving/current) Enter amount Take your money

14 Examples of Problem Solving Using Computer
Ali Alif Hakimi Aliff Typical real world problems Transaction : Web Application: Online Purchase Input Process Output URL address. address. Shipping address. Credit card details. Go to the address of the online shop. Choose the item you want to buy. Enter your address. Enter your shipping address. Enter your credit card details. Place your order. The item is ordered succesfully.

15 Examples of Problem Solving Using Computer
Ariff Ashraf Azreen Typical real world problems Decision Making : Forecasting : Earthquakes Input Process Output Laser Beam Seismometer Laser Beam detects the plate movement. 2. Seismometer pick up the vibrations in the earth’s crusts. Seismometer shows the earthquake’s waves. Earthquakes will be alerted by the news.

16 Examples of Problem Solving Using Computer
Bazlee Danish Fakhira Typical real world problems Control Problem: Traffic Controller : Traffic Light Input Process Output Vehicle Traffic Light Vehicle stop when traffic light turns red Vehicle slow down when traffic light turns yellow Vehicle move when traffic light turns green The flow of traffic will be smooth

17 Examples of Problem Solving Using Computer
fatihah insyirah syahirah Typical real world problems Searching problems: Search Engine :Zalora website Input Process Output Computer Internet access Google Chrome Turn on the computer Make sure the computer have internet access Open google chrome Type “ Zalora “ at the search engine Click enter Zalora website

18 Examples of Problem Solving Using Computer
nazira amirah farzana shahirah Typical real world problems Sorting problems: Transport schedule: Bus Schedule Input Process Output Time Bus Destination Driver Assign driver to each bus Assign the driver into different destination Organized the time for each destination Schedule

19 Problem Solving Strategies
1. Heuristic A method of solving problems that often involves intelligent trial and error or reasoning based on knowledge and experience Example: no known algorithm that tell how to play a perfect game of chess, so computer chess playing programs must use a heuristic method of solution, using methods that area likely but not certain to give a good results in any particular case

20 Problem Solving Strategies
2. Algorithmic A clearly specified procedure that is guaranteed to give the correct answer. computing = algorithmic solutions are express as algorithm can give correct result algorithm a step by step procedures that accepts data, manipulate them following the prescribed steps, to achieve the desired values or tasks

21 Introduction to Problem Solving
Next Class….. Part 2: Algorithm

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