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Presentation to Western Bay RCC Follow up data from session 1

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1 Presentation to Western Bay RCC Follow up data from session 1
Data Analysis Part 2 Presentation to Western Bay RCC Follow up data from session 1 Housing Strategy data – BCBC Transition Funding – Housing Options Community Care Groups Homelessness Section Steve Porter MH/LD– Anita Evans

2 Summary of Homelessness Presentation Session 1
Sourcing accommodation and maintaining accommodation in PR sector is crucial going forward; What options can we consider for the most vulnerable client group eg bespoke support? Reduction in Transitional Funding is a real concern across the Region What Opportunities are there to do things collaboratively eg training / Shared Housing

3 Transitional Funding Bridgend NPT Swansea Total 15/16 £173K £254k £39Ok £817k 16/17 £136K £142k £224K £502K 17/18 ??? The region saw a 40% decrease in funding after 1st year of implementation Further cuts in 17/18 No further money available in 18/19!

4 Transitional Spending
How was the money spent? Staffing including prevention Caseworkers, private rented team including support officers, Prevention Fund (RIA, Bonds, Landlord incentives, furniture, cleaning services etc), Ex-Offender Resettlement Work Other projects (Including, Domestic Abuse Homeless Prevention Service and Youth Homeless and avoiding use of B&B by bespoke packages)

5 Transitional – The Future
Regionally, heavy reliance on additional staff, private rented teams and prevention funds (approx 80%) Lack of resources will undoubtedly make the successes of 15/16 very difficult to achieve again; Is there anything we can do regionally from an SP perspective to continue the good work that has gone on in the 3 LA’s in the last 12 months.

6 Western Bay Supporting People Programme
Community Care Groups Section 75 Cases (Unpreventable Homeless) Housing Options Steve Porter Distinctions between formal care management and not formally care managed/primary care

7 Mental Health Demographics
1 in 4 adults experience mental health problems or illness at some point during their lifetime. 1 in 6 of us will be experiencing symptoms at any one time. At a time of recession, when levels of stress and anxiety inevitably rise, more people will be affected and suicide rates are likely to increase. 2 in 100 people will have a severe mental illness such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder at any one time.

8 Regional Catalogue of Data established & being analysed

9 Western Bay Supporting People Programme

10 Mental Health SPPG Expenditure 2015/16
Fixed Units £ 4 32, Less than 6 Months 106 1,129, to 24 Months 163 2,333, Months Plus 273 3,495, Total Spend Floating 67 142, Less than 6 Months , to 24 Months 81 405, Months Plus 252 1,114, Total Spend

11 Big Issues Pressures on reduced acute hospital provision
Difficulty for some moving on from institutional settings such as Hospital, Nursing and Residential Care. A lack of sustainable options for individuals with more complex needs in Nursing, Residential Care and High Relational Supported Living An increase in co-occurring Substance Misuse More demand for support delivered in the community including physical care. Possible reduction in long terms formal care managed individuals Treating problems early can avoid some of the social costs to individuals, their families and communities and deliver greater value for money. What should the SPPG programme role be?

12 LD Clients 18+ Supported to Live in the Community

13 Western Bay Supporting People Programme
LD Clients 18+ in Supported Living

14 Learning Disability SPPG Expenditure 2015/16
Fixed 24 Month Plus 408 units £6,658,747.70 Floating 24 Months Plus 106 units £500,560.00

15 Learning Disabilities – Floating Support Unit Cost 2015/16
The average LD floating support unit cost in Wales is £4,965. Swansea’s unit costs are below this (£4,302) whilst Neath’s are above it (£5,499) – neither are a huge variation. Bridgend do not supply any floating support for LD.

16 Learning Disabilities –
Fixed Site Unit Cost 2015/16 All 3 LA’s in this RCC are above the average fixed site LD unit cost in Wales (£11,612), with Neath having the highest cost per unit (£17,552). Swansea Most fixed provision is legacy shared supported living and good practice at the time of the Ely/ Hensol resettlment programme was that the scale should be around 3 or 4 people sharing. This tends to show a higher unit cost than larger shared supported housing. So its important to note the scale of the provision for comparison.


18 Links to Western Bay HSC Project Board
Population Wellbeing Assessment underway Specific Projects looking at high cost MH placements in Residential & Supported Living . Specific Project looking at Learning Disability Right Sizing & Right Pricing of packages Health Social Care and Housing Related Support affecting LD contract and procurement locally. Joint Contracting & Procurement Group established What role does the RCC see for itself?

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