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Easing Pain Points of Nonprofit and Mission Driven Organizations

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Presentation on theme: "Easing Pain Points of Nonprofit and Mission Driven Organizations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Easing Pain Points of Nonprofit and Mission Driven Organizations
By Emily Blistein, Director of Innovation + Impact

2 Who We Are Marlboro College’s Center for New Leadership is:
A network of staff, trainers, and consultants who Work with mission-driven individuals, organizations, and coalitions To improve your personal and organizational leadership capacity Through workshops, trainings, and consulting By meeting you at your crossroads and helping you determine how to get you where you want to be

3 Our Goal Today Help you assess where you are.
Identify five of the most common crossroads questions we hear at the Center for New Leadership Give you several quick, immediate resources to help you move forward in a new direction Give you a contact (me!) if you or your organization needs personalized help.

4 Hooray!

5 Where are you?


“How do we measure what matters and show that we’re making an impact?” RESULTS BASED ACCOUNTABILITY A way to think, plan, and help your organization evaluate its work so you can answer the questions: How Much Are We Doing? How Well Are We Doing It? Is Anyone Better Off?

8 RBA Resources Books: Link: Via: CNL Consultants,
Kate McGowan + Hillary Orsini

“No one understands what our organization does.” Strong messaging and communication can: Significantly increase general awareness about what you do Enhance donor engagement Create message alignment to diminish internal conflict about what you do and who you serve.

10 Messaging Resources: Answer the following questions (concisely).
Do this as a group and share your answers (if you feel you have a meeting space where this would be productive) Questions: What do we do? Who is it for? Where do we do it? How do we accomplish it? Why is it important? Via: CNL Consultant, Joe Heslin

“Our board isn’t functioning, isn’t engaged, is having conflict, won’t ask for money.” A strong board needs clarity in their roles, direction, and often ongoing support and coaching so that they can help to guide, fundraise, represent, and advocate for the organizations they serve.

12 Board Resources: Books: Web:
Via: CNL Consultant, Andy Robinson

“There is so much tension” “Moral is low and turnover is high” “No one trusts each other” “They’re not open to change” Every office and working relationship has conflict, but there are tools that can get individuals and teams: Get unstuck Improve moral and Work together for the good of clients.

14 Communication Resources:
Book: Article: If you master this listening technique, you’ll hear what people don’t say out loud by Cathy Salit Web 5 dysfunctions of a team Via: CNL Consultants, Greg Hessel and Jodi Clark

“How do I strengthen my leadership skills?” “How do I take my organization to the next level of strength and positive impact?” Valuing personal development and consciously engaging a team can lead to an organization where Collaboration, authenticity, and wellbeing are valued and Transformational work is done.

16 Leadership Resources Books: Web: Questions:
Questions: Are you open to learning and growing vibrantly from the inside out? Do you have the capacity to be reflective? Via: CNL Consultants, Amanda Silver and Lori Hanau

17 CNL’s Workshops + Trainings

18 Certificate in Nonprofit Management: for nonprofit employees who want to build their leadership skills, thrive, and strengthen their organizations. Training, Facilitation, and Consulting Certificate: for trainers, facilitators, and consultants who want to level up their careers. Women’s Leadership Circles: for women who are established in their careers who are ready to push to greater heights personally and professionally. ALIGN: for emerging leaders who want to work in the mission driven sector. Summer Camp: for EVERYONE in the nonprofit and mission driven field who want a summer day filled with skills building, networking, and fun! Plus workshops! 4 part RBA, train the trainer, board leadership institute, get on board.

19 Thank you! Emily Blistein Director for Innovation and Impact
Marlboro College Center for New Leadership Sign up for Red Clover, our newsletter and: @MarlboroCNL on FB, TW, Instagram Thank you!

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