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William the Conqueror in french : GUILLAUME LE CONQUERANT

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Presentation on theme: "William the Conqueror in french : GUILLAUME LE CONQUERANT"— Presentation transcript:

1 William the Conqueror in french : GUILLAUME LE CONQUERANT

2 William the Conqueror in french : GUILLAUME LE CONQUERANT
1. Time Line 2. Life 3. Bayeux Tapestry

3 1. Time Line

4 1. Time Line 1066 1028 1087 Battle of Born Hastings Died
1071 1087 Battle of Hastings and Coronation Day Born William defeats the revolt led by Hereward the Wake Died

5 2. Life

6 2. Life Name: King William I The Conqueror
Parents: Robert I, Duke of Normandy, and Arlette daughter of Fulbert Crowned: December 25, 1066 at Westminster Abbey Married: Matilda, Daughter of Count of Flanders Children: 4 sons including William II and Henry I, and 6 daughters

7 3. Bayeux Tapestry

8 The Normans army attacked the Saxons army.
3. Bayeux Tapestry The Bayeux tapestry is keep in Bayeux. She tells the Battle of Hastings The Normans army attacked the Saxons army. The Normans arrived in England and prepared their camps. And they attacked King Edward. King William won the battle.

9 The end

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