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Annotated Bibliography

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1 Annotated Bibliography

2 The need to cite Why? When? Benefits!

3 Citing Styles and Types
Annotated and non-annotated MLA: Modern Language Association of America APA: American Psychiatric Association (date is emphasized) Copies of both are in the library

4 MLA Handbook for writers of Research Papers Sixth Edition LB 2369
MLA Handbook for writers of Research Papers Sixth Edition LB 2369.G

5 First, the preliminaries: How do I cite in the text of my paper?

6 In fact, at the time it was felt by many
that America’s future as a country depended on the success of the space program (Smith 203). In 1968, NASA director Smith noted that “statistics and polls show that the people of this country see the space program as critical to the future of America” ( 203).

7 Book with one author Smithers, Jane C. Looking for Water.
Title Publication information Location: publisher Publishing date Smithers, Jane C. Looking for Water. Phoenix, AZ: Saunders, 2003. Print.

8 Book with two authors Alstrop, Lisa G. and Tom Shaw. Dining Out.
Title Publication information Location: publisher Publishing date Alstrop, Lisa G. and Tom Shaw. Dining Out. Syracuse, NY: Mosby, 1999. Print.

9 Journal Print. Almandarez, Jose. “Cather and Western Lore.”
Ahem. Author Title of article Journal title Volume number Year Page Numbers Almandarez, Jose. “Cather and Western Lore.” American Literature 289 (2003): Print.

10 Webster’s Word Histories. 1989 ed.
Reference Work Title Book cited Edition/ year of publication “Cool.” Webster’s Word Histories. 1989 ed. Print.

11 Video Title Director Distributor Year of release
Understanding Global Economy. Dir. Jill Spielberg United Films, 2001. DVD

12 Personal Interview Jones, John P. Personal interview. 3 July 2003.
Person interviewed Interview type Date(s) Jones, John P. Personal interview. 3 July 2003.

13 Government Document Government Name of agency Title of document
Publishing information: Place and publisher Date United States. Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2001. Census Bureau. Washington: GPO, 2001. Print.

14 Library Subscription Service, Online
Author Page Numbers Title of article Database used Journal title Vendor Volume number Where accessed Date published Date accessed Davis, Sandra. “The Politics of Water Scarcity In the Western States.” The Social Science Journal 38.4 (2001): ScienceDirect. Web.

15 Web Page Article title Title of the internet site
Date published/updated Organization/institution Date accessed URL no longer recommended “Mind Games May Keep the Brain Sharp.” 19 June Web. 14 May 2009.

16 The Annotation

17 What to include: Authority assessment: The background and
affiliations of the Author A summary of the content Comparison/assessment: How did it compare to other books/articles? Evaluation: What did you think of it, and how will it help your topic? What an annotated bibliography is not: A simple synopsis.

18 A Sample Annotated Entry
Darling, Nancy. “Peer Pressure is not Peer Influence.” Principal Sept./Oct. 2002: Print. Darling, a professor of education at Bard College, writes that adolescents are most often influenced not by what their friends do or say, but how they think their friends will react to a situation. Darling asserts that by providing positive information, involving all students, and grouping students differently, schools can provide opportunities to reinforce positive values. The idea of preconceived notions of peer reaction is better addressed here than in other sources that I found. This idea of adolescent positive peer influence is a timely theory and strongly supports the theme of my paper.

19 Remember: annotated bibliographies are simply an organized list of the sources that you have used, each of which is followed by a brief note: the annotation. The annotation itself is a brief description and evaluation of the book or article.

20 That’s the Basics!

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